i dotn know about everyoen else but me and aud only go on aim because no one in america uses msn and we never saw anyone on it besides like FOUR SWORD and CHAOS EMERL
ok it's uncensored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i go on AIM!

yea i see aud on aim
u never appear tho
my AIM screen name is AllCityChessClub ...

im not even shadowthingx anymore its (whoopsie daisie almsot put out my real name on a spriting place)
okay, i added you to my buddy list, i hope we can be buddies. im sort of embarassed to talk to you on AIM .. i almost feel like i have to be just as cool as you.. ugh being a teen is so hard >_<
can someone fill me in on the 'krew' and what got them all banned?
I've only heard the rumours...
the canine resource and the dancer's resource, plus past stuff from PT
the canine and dancers resource involved getting access to dazz's account and modifying the forums, among other things
how interesting, i'm glad you filled me in on that exciting bit of PT history!