these are so awesome (especially the croconaw), I wish I had the patience to do all of this :C
What program do you use? Do you have any tutorials? Anything that helps you with making the textures? I'd love to learn
thanks starpower (just read your post) and baegal!
i've been meaning to make a mini tutorial, since there are a total of four (!) tutorials on the internet written for Body Paint 3D, which is what I use to help me texture (along with Photoshop). but i really feel like i still have a lot of learning to do before teaching anyone. most of the time i try and err.
i might just do a timelapse vid of a tiny 3d project and voice over it. any good screen capture programs for windows? camstudio is terrible.
Hypercam is alright.
BTW, I'm really looking forward to learning haw bodypaint3d works !
what program do you use for the modeling? Or is that bodypaint too?
It's blender. Says so on a couple of the screenshots c:
yep, zeemort got it right.
although bodypaint is originally a cinema4d plugin (i think)
i'm so busy nowadays, i haven't been doing any personal work at all except for what you've seen from me.
this makes me somewhat angry at everything in general
so i made quite a lengthy modeling tutorial in Word, complete with images.
how do i upload this, or. how do i show it, umm.
i thought of that, but do i just submit it as a word file?
Well, here it is:
Low-Poly Modeling of Mushroom in Blender
It's not finalized, so tell me where I could make things clearer, where I ramble, etc.
It covers editing vertices, proportional falloff, and mostly hotkeys.
will start on part 2: texturing dat mushroom if this gets 3 thanks
or if 3 people ask me, idk
I have a question.
I have searched all over for tutorials and couldn't find anything.
How do i draw my texture in an image editor ? Trying to mentally unfold and draw each side of a complex character is awfully hard, and I wanted to know how you do it.
there are actually a few answers to that question. i'll try to show three approaches that i use in the texturing tutorial.
but are you having problems with the unfolding or making the textures "fit" the model properly?
All of it, actually. Well, the UVs I can bear, but i can't visualize my final texture sheet at all, so I don't know where to start. It's just impossible for me to see my character decomposed into an all-angle sheet on one drawing.
Also, how do i draw without shading ? I mean, the 3d shades itself when rendered, so... (note that i've only been making 100% self-illuminated model till now)
i've also only been working on 100% self-illuminated.
the thing is, if you're going for true low-poly, you'd have to make everything pretty much self-illuminated.
computer-calculated shading = more processing power = not very "low"
You could look into "baking" textures, which makes for a nice base for painting over (never use 100% baked textures unless you're using millions of polys).
I'll start on the 2nd part of the tut after exams. this week is exams week.