The influx of edits being posted here is REALLY making me question whether or not they should even be allowed here anymore
I mean, yeah they're a nice starting point for getting into pixel art but you're almost guaranteed to get zero critique unless what you're posting is 100% custom(or at least looks like it)
I can't actually tell that these are edits :/
though maybe not playing the source game much contributes to that
oh alright then. thanks for the info. I'll try some 100% custom....time to start reading up on those tutorials lol
In all reality, you seem pretty capable of creating something 100% of your own.
Really? well I can try but i see the reviews u guys give and somehow, i honestly can't the little things that you guys see but it's worth a shot.
Here's one I made completely from scratch:
It's not done obviously but what could I do to make it better?
HAD to do Nayru to compliment Din lol
![[Image: Nayru.png]](
Are you sure that's your first 100% custom sprite? Because is really good. The main problem I see on it is that tha hair shading need to be redone, to make it look more like hair, actually is just a brown thing that gets lighter on the top. The shading in the face, in the other hand, is pretty well done.
lol yes I'm sure it's 100% but I'm not exactly sure how to shade it cuz all i really know right now is dithering, any suggestions?
The number one rule of spriting: Never dither, ever.
Dithering is worse than pillow shading.
wow seriously? i'll keep that in mind, i always thot dithering was good when used in the right places?
There's literally 5 people that know how to dither correctly. You aren't any of them.
No one is any of them.
never said i was, it's called experimentation lol. but other than the dithering, is everything else okay in terms of line art and color choice and all tht?
the colors on the hair have a bit too much contrast imo, but start adding the body in now.
ok i will but i just need an opinion on this one tht my friend asked for.
i can see plenty wrong with it but i'm not sure how to go about fixing it, any ideas?
EDIT: Also @ vipershark, the contrast in the hair is usually like that (if you've ever seen boondocks)