Speed II Potion + Sprinting + Flying in Creative + Quake Pro FOV = HOLY FUCKING SHIT IM FAST ADSNAFJI
... trouble keeps you running faster?
Gee, wish I knew what server that is.
Edit: Wait, the sword is on the left... Gors are you getting off to Viper and anime girls again?
(03-11-2012, 09:21 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]Edit: Wait, the sword is on the left... Gors are you getting off to Viper and anime girls again?
Well the thing is, the anime girl is actual Gorsal's new skin.
So Gorsal is watching Viper and the NEW Gorsal? I can't comprehend this.
its ok iceman
you cant comprehend the moeness of mugi
Hey I am making a mod for minecraft. All to do with Chemistry.
Minecraft... Oh how I love you.
In freebuild I'm working on a replica of Twilight Sparkle's house from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
But I still remember the good old days of being super scared of creepers and dirt houses... Ahh...
I'm...I'm not sure if this goes in this thread...oh well...
@Mutskki: Oh my god. What the heck was that.