Really? Aw, that sucks.
Anyways, I think you guys should all take a look at this. Beautiful song inspired by Minecraft.
Hey, is there anyone here who kind of really hates the updates since 1.8? Jeb is ruining everything.
(03-20-2012, 11:46 AM)Lexou Duck Wrote: [ -> ] (03-20-2012, 11:32 AM)John2k4 Wrote: [ -> ]Funny you should Quote that image...
Sengir has an alt
It's true, I like to keep my good puns on the Sengir account and use my alts for the lesser puns
Is it bad that I'm this excited for a few new blocks?
The guy that did that video (VintageBeef) is also doing an ultra hardcore SMP series at the moment with Baj, Guude, PauseUnpause, BDoubleO, DocM, KurtJMac and Etho. It's pretty cool if you're into LPs. (If you are, check out Etho's Lab, he makes awesome stuff )
Episode 1 of VintageBeef's point of view if anyone's interested:
Gonna go try it out!

I bought Minecraft.
I find it incredibly boring.
Yes I know how to play it.
are you kidding me? thats an update?
thats even more terrible that tf2's updates only adding hats.
apparently they added more features in the chat system as well as bug fixes
but not exciting at all.
Guys i installed some graphic mods, what do you think????
just kidding, I didnt take that screenshot myself :F
Yea, that "update" is a bit lacking, but I rather have a bunch of these bitesized updates with some QoL changes attached instead of waiting several month's for the next big "milestone"
*cough*Adventure Update*cough* and be utterly dissapointed by it.
I personally really hate the whole "small updates every 2 weeks or so" thing. Mainly because it kills all the mods, and the mod-api still isn't a thing yet.
its a god damn block recolor.
Pretty funny, the MC community gets so little content over such long periods, ANYTHING is interesting.
minecraft is bad, cubeworld will become the master race voxel game
the only good thing about mc is how easy it is to make skins
I still wonder when they'll make a real voxel game
I mean
the props, elements, objects are all made in voxels of fixed size, but their movements aren't. I'd like to see the movements change voxel by voxel too, that would be a really nice visual imo.
It'd look incredibly jumpy, I think...
sprites move in a fixed pixel grid and don't look jumpy at all, I'm sure there can be alternatives for it.