I tried that once but I kind of sucked at it.
Do you still not have it Metaru?
because my money's still just sitting in my account
i still not have it. i was using a hacked version but i just did it to try the inf dev.
Y'know I'm really not gonna use my money and it's cheap and it's like I'm supporting TSR/Notch/the minecraft community all at the same time so I really don't even care. If you ran a hacked version then you must know that you can run it on your computer
You can PM me what you want your username/password to be and I'll just go ahead and buy it for you haha
We need TSR minecraft parties forreal~
out of excitement i almost clicked the warn button instead of the thank one c,:
Ahaha well I was gonna buy it for one of my friends irl but they're all gay
and I don't want my money to just sit there ickk
if you want to pay me back you can make me a thousand skins

Took me forever to realize that's ash hah
rhymey's skin is the male trainer from frlg and is much better
my skin is deadpool/sometimes kamen rider. i'm making one, but figuring out the 3D textures is killing me ugh
i already have that
i'm already working on my skin it's based on an old graphic i did
(09-01-2010, 11:05 PM)StarSock64 Wrote: [ -> ]We need TSR minecraft parties forreal~
Yes! We need a TSRcraft server. That only TSR members know the IP to.
a TSRcraft SMP server would be pretty awesome.
and while were on the subject of skins
![[Image: VIC.png]](http://i858.photobucket.com/albums/ab150/nooks24/VIC.png)
My blocky selfportrait that, surprisingly, does not look like me at all :>
(09-01-2010, 08:31 PM)Britt Wrote: [ -> ]I tried yesterday, it gives me an error saying pixel format is not accelerated.
Figured it out.
I had to re-install the drivers in Windows XP SP3 Compatibility mode.
Not only did that get Minecraft to work but it enabled Windows Aero, not that
I plan to use it.
Now I just need to learn to play it. >_>