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I have a crush on el Francisco, but only when he has a mustache.
in before someone mentions me and rhymey
every gay member cuz being gay is the only way ill ever feel loved :--------- (
Who is Nick Trite???
His name sounds familiar, but the again we have so many different nicks it's not even funny (nickthecoder, nicktheslayer...)
(08-03-2010, 11:25 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]in before someone mentions me and rhymey
also sengir is a p sexy ragamuffin
along with gorsal fin and tuna/drei
i have a crush on all of tsr
you are all so ravishing ..

(08-03-2010, 11:32 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]
we all just got owned
i have a crush on gnostic wetfart............
i have a fetish for kate, does that count?
I have the biggest crush on that guy who catches laptops with his butt.
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