is this the rite thread to ask for ideas if so....i need ideas on pokemon fusions that are within these bounderies:
they must be original
they must be intermediate
and they must be retained in an 80x80 or 64x64 square

I'm no expert, but both of these topics you made seem like they belong in the request forum since you're asking people to make something for you.
And dude... why Pokemon fusions? Why not making Fakemon? Much more creative, and possibly original, then just fusing existing Pokemon.
(08-04-2010, 11:36 AM)Bazzoka Wrote: [ -> ]I'm no expert, but both of these topics you made seem like they belong in the request forum since you're asking people to make something for you.
And dude... why Pokemon fusions? Why not making Fakemon? Much more creative, and possibly original, then just fusing existing Pokemon.

You're definitely lucky I'm not one of the people who usually comments, other wise, I'd be calling you out for even coming here in the first place.
If you're not good at something then practice it until you get good. That's how it's been and that's how it always will be.
(08-04-2010, 11:19 AM)witchyducklingofthenorth Wrote: [ -> ]is this the rite thread to ask for ideas if so....i need ideas on pokemon fusions that are within these bounderies:
they must be original
they must be intermediate
and they must be retained in an 80x80 or 64x64 square

how is "sprite projects" even CLOSE to being the correct forum to ask about fusions in
can you even read at all?
(08-04-2010, 11:19 AM)witchyducklingofthenorth Wrote: [ -> ]is this the rite thread to ask for ideas if so....i need ideas on pokemon fusions that are within these bounderies:
they must be original
they must be intermediate
and they must be retained in an 80x80 or 64x64 square

Because Pokemon fusions and scratch spriting are the same thing.