i am finding difficulty applying texture with the olmec head
i want the texture to be more than random pixels and dithers but need help making it so, so...
comments & critisisms please
well, start by not making random pixels and dithers. as for a good way to get the texture to be credible, look on any of the examples on the site. there might be two or three games that feature stone statues with textures(metal slug for example) that might give you an idea.
also, before someone points at the outline, i'd like to hear your own explanation as to why you think it looks right.
i'll get to work on the textures soon. As for the outline, i was trying out sel-out and judging by your response, it's probably not very good. Any pointers as to improve the outline?
Aside from the second guy's lips, the outline/lineart looks fine to me. =|
(08-05-2010, 07:21 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]the second guy's lips. =|
yeah, about that...
it's artistic license and i'm not sure if you should call it a guy.
Artistic License is not an excuse to make something shoddily.
(08-05-2010, 09:02 AM)Hoeloe Wrote: [ -> ]Artistic License is not an excuse to make something shoddily.
i was talking about the statue wearing lipstick as artistic license rather than the quality of the piece.
i expect you were aware of this but just clarifying if you weren't
i wouldn't try and cover up a crappy pa by saying it's artistic license
dont think this needs selout at all. or at least, try to get a proper idea of how selout works instead of randomly switching colors in the outline.
the issue of the lips, i though it was clear too :v
(08-05-2010, 11:04 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]randomly switching colors in the outline.
this is not what i have done.
I have made the outline lighter where there are lighter shades which gives a rounder feel to the edge by reducing the contrast. yeah.
although tbh, there may be some lighter pixels which may be unnecessary and thusly, redundant in their use so they will therefore be replaced with darker, more suitable pixels which will hopefully enrich these pixelarts to new levels of outlinish goodliness.

trust me this doesnt need selt out, at all.
(08-05-2010, 11:33 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]trust me this doesnt need selt out, at all.
what about the facial features? i've just done it on the maoi but i don't think it helps with the right side (our right) of the nose at all
ok, let me give you an edit in a second.
![[Image: 1ztr7.jpg]](
removed entirely the selout, gave it mroe contrast and actually, i'd recomend you that if you want to remark its facial features, toy around with its shading and highlighs. selout isnt a magic spell that turns everything nice and rad just cause you use it -indiscriminately or not. its a very specific 'tool' that works on a very specific stituation/context/background(a really specific one), and even then, most of the time it just doesnt work or the artist can't make it look right. that, or its used for some obscure subpixeling that i won't even bother explaining right now. so for the most part you can just avoid it entirely and work on more stable and/or easier to handle resources such as a your everyday shading and AntiAliasing.
but in any case, sel out doesnt smooth lines or makes them blend better with its surroundings. it just works on a specific case, on a specific background and if taken out of that background it just makes everything look ugly.
also, avoid working using pure colors on your wip's backgrounds, as they distort your perception of colors. use a more neutral gray or any other desaturated color of your choice(and use more than one, for even better contrast of the results).
(08-05-2010, 08:37 AM)explosionmakesboom!!! Wrote: [ -> ] (08-05-2010, 07:21 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]the second guy's lips. =|
yeah, about that...
it's artistic license and i'm not sure if you should call it a guy.
With the wide flat nose and the way it was semi-frowning, I just though it was a stylistically-exaggerated black guy. :V
But my subtle racism is neither here nor there.
(08-05-2010, 03:01 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]With the wide flat nose and the way it was semi-frowning, I just though it was a stylistically-exaggerated black guy. :V
But my subtle racism is neither here nor there.
hahaha it is no black man, it is a colossal olmec head with sexuality difficulties
Thanks a lot for the edit metaru. t'was extremely useful and the higher contrast does look much better me thinks
i have updated both heads
![[Image: maoimaoimaoiolmecolmeco.png]](
the olmec seems quite sharp wihch is probably because of the increase in contrast
and here's a silly animation
![[Image: lickt.gif]](
the frame rate has been messed up and the colours have changed through it being gif-ified although i don't mind the colours
The statue wearing lipstick is fine, but the sudden change in colour and saturation is actually quite painful.