After considering my choices, and the input the staff and the community has given to me, your two new moderators to replace Tyvon and Fret are Woppet and Gorsal! Wish them luck, folks!
They're also on a trial period- if they don't do well, then, perhaps we'll look into other options, but I've got a feeling they'll be fine moderators.
In any case, give them a round of applause for being two really good tSR members- and hopefully- two really good moderators.
Thanks Dex!
It's only a week so it doesn't deserve a thread or anything but i'll be going away tomorrow, and spending a week cruising around Italy and Spain.
So i won't be here for one week. I'll bring back pics of me barely clothed next to the leaning tower of pizza for you all to enjoy.
Also congratulations. Couldn't really think of better people to fill the big shoes.
way to go(rsal)!!!!
woppet doesnt deserve a poorly constructed sentence.
First of all, thanks for Dex and the tSR for choosing me as a mod. I'm kinda embarassed now

Also, good luck, Tyvon. I know you're going to make it
Anyway, I'll try my best at this job: I'm a first-timer, so I'll need some time to get used into it. But I guess that's what the first time is for, huh?

Modulations to both of you.
I'm pretty sure both of them are going to be great mods
Grats guys!
Congrats, guys. I'm sure you'll do a fine job in my place. (:
Congrats you two, I hope you both do well ;3
itt vipershark for fill-in mod while woppet is gone so i can clean up some things and delegate some stuff into megathreads (i'm completely serious, by the way)
also grats guys i voted for both of you

Quote:the community
im the community
Congrats on the modship fellows. I like how this moderation system works, BTW.

Both of you will be excellent mods♪
Whoa hey my best congratulations to the two of you. My best!