Here's some Lilo & Stich! Yes, I'm still working on Diddy Kong Pilot. The next racer is K. Rool, then Diddy (I had already started on K. Rool at the time of that request.).
![[Image: lilostitch2.png]](
![[Image: scaled.php?server=850&]](
![[Image: scaled.php?server=267&]](
![[Image: scaled.php?server=812&]](
(01-23-2012, 08:35 PM)Mighty Jetters Wrote: [ -> ]I hate to say this but Perseus already ripped Slushy. 
The other two have been uploaded though.
That's okay. He can do Splodyhead too, if he wants.
I wasn't... quite sure where to set this one, to be honest. I've seen GBA-GCN download games set in the GBA section before, so I'll assume this sheet goes here.
To clarify, this sheet is a rip from a game you can only access by hooking up the GBA link cable to the GCN version of Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex. No other way. It was very difficult to get this, but it was worth it!
![[Image: crashblasticon.png]](
![[Image: crashblastgeneralripico.png]](
That is just awesome. Great job.
Well, it's been roughly four months since I've done any GBA stuff... Well, it's been roughly four months since I've
submitted any GBA stuff, to be more accurate. And boy do I have some sprites for you! I've got box arts and manuals from Activision Anthology, a background from Blender Bros., the Japanese title screen from CNK, a bunch of stuff from, what I believe is, the best Pokemon hack ever, the bosses from Princess Natasha, and character graphics from Tiny Toons: Wacky Stackers!
![[Image: activisionanthicon.png]](
![[Image: activisionanthboxartico.png]](
![[Image: blenderbros.png]](
![[Image: crashkart.png]](
![[Image: pokemonquartzicon.png]](
![[Image: pokemonquartzgymleaders.png]](
![[Image: pokemonquartzprotagonis.png]](
![[Image: pokemonquartztrainersic.png]](
![[Image: pokemonquartzpokemonico.png]](
![[Image: pokemonquartzpokemonbac.png]](
![[Image: pokemonquartzpokemonove.png]](
![[Image: princessnatasha.png]](
Enemies & Bosses
![[Image: tinytoonswackystackersi.png]](
![[Image: tinytoonswscutscenesico.png]](
![[Image: tinytoonswshelpersicon.png]](
Great! Man, I really feel like we should have a hacks/fangames section...
It would definitely make finding them on the site a lot easier... Also, if such a section is made, pirated games should be included.
Hey guys. So, my laptop broke, and everything on it is temporarily lost... (permanently if it can't be fixed). Luckily, I can still do stuff with my old computer. Good thing I didn't toss it! This time I have some stuff from Kim Possible 2, Nicktoons Racing, and SpongeBob: Creature from the Krusty Krab. Check 'em out!
![[Image: scaled.php?server=833&]](
Enemies & Bosses
![[Image: scaled.php?server=839&]](
![[Image: scaled.php?server=546&]](
![[Image: scaled.php?server=812&]](
![[Image: nicktoonsracing.png]](
![[Image: spongebobsquarepantscftkk.png]](
Playable Characters
![[Image: scaled.php?server=96&]](
NOTE: I know it's called Mrs. Puff's Boating School in the show, but it's called Mrs. Puff's Driving School in the game. Sorry for any confusion.
Oh that's horrible, man. :/ I hope you didn't lose too much.
Well, in all honesty, it's not as bad as I might have made it sound... But you're definitely not gonna see any Gamecube/Wii stuff for a while...

Which is pretty horrible.
I'm really sorry about that. I only have a laptop too which has literally everything on it so if it goes then... I can't bear the thought of it (I seriously need to back up my stuff...).
Okay, so the lappy's still busted. No big whoop, though. It can be fixed (as far as I know), so it's just best that we all don't worry about it. All that matter right now, at this moment, are these sprites. It's only 3 sheets, but they all took a ludicrous amount of time. It was worth it, though, to bring you some awesome sprites!
The first game I did was from the game for Disney's Home on the Range. The game isn't all that good, disappointingly enough. It's not bad, but... it's not that good, either. It's... so-so.
![[Image: scaled.php?server=801&]](
Playable Characters
![[Image: scaled.php?server=812&]](
Enemies & Bosses
Okay, for this next game, we need to talk about the sheets already in the section. That is, none of the sheets are from this game. They're from sequels. Kim and Rufus's sprites are from the second game (icon above), and Ron's sprites are from the third game. I have made an icon for the third game.
![[Image: kimpos.png]](
Playable Character
And here's the icon for the third game:
![[Image: scaled.php?server=406&]](