You guys is making fun of my bad grammar it means racism so i will go away and not back after someone sorry your racism i will back. Spam and grammar don't make sense and Skink is not a troll after all so what you think
I love you.

Fuck Friend Zone for a moment, this legitimately pisses me off.
There are plenty of spriting and video game communities on the internet, all in different Languages. I'm aware of a French and a Spanish one myself; and I've not actively been looking. This site is an English-speaking site. This DOES NOT mean we don't accept members from foreign countries. We have people from France, Brazil, even the Netherlands all posting here just fine.
What we do expect from our members is to try and speak in decent English. This means we can actually understand and have conversations with each other. Message boards are 100% pointless if you can't read the messages!
There have been people before you who post here and don't have a good understanding of English and it's honestly hard as a moderator to deal with that. Telling them that you need them to speak competent English doesn't guarantee that they'd make the attempt - or even that they understand you in the first place. And it's entirely unethical to warn or ban someone just because they don't speak English. This means there's nothing that I nor any of the other moderators can do to enforce or ensure everyone speaks the same language. I have no desire to be called a racist just because I want to make sure we can understand eachother. How the fuck do you think that makes me feel?
Since you seem insistent that you can do no wrong. Since you refuse to try and ATTEMPT to realise that you're the problem here, even after Gorsal explained the situation to you in your native tongue, you want to call the Moderation and Admin team racist?
Fuck you. You contribute nothing here, and no one will be sad to see you gone. And that's your fault, not your race.
(08-11-2010, 04:19 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN
Fuck Friend Zone for a moment, this legitimately pisses me off.
There are plenty of spriting and video game communities on the internet, all in different Languages. I'm aware of a French and a Spanish one myself; and I've not actuvely been looking. This site is an English-speaking site. This DOES NOT mean we don't accept members from English-speaking countries. We have people from France, Brazil, even the Netherlands all posting here just fine.
What we do expect from our members is to try and speak in decent English. This means we can actually understand and have conversations with each other. Message boards are 100% pointless if you can't read the messages!
There have been people before you who post here and don't have a good understanding of English and it's honestly hard as a moderator to deal with that. Telling them that you need them to speak competent English doesn't guarantee that they'd make the attempt - or even understand you in the first place. And it's entirely unethical to warn or ban someone just because they don't speak English. This means there's nothing that I nor any of the other moderators can do to enforce or ensure everyone speaks the same language. I have no desire to be called a racist just because I want to make sure we can understand eachother. How the fuck do you think that makes me feel?
Since you seem insistant that you can do no wrong. Since you refuse to try and ATTEMPT to realise that you're the problem here, even after Gorsal explained the situation to you in your native tongue, you want to call the Moderation and Admin team racist?
Fuck you. You contribute nothing here, and no one will be sad to see you gone. And that's your fault, not your race.
is not about my race is my bad grammar!
Then IMPROVE your grammar instead of complaining so people treat you better-
Oh why am I even bothering? Perma'd.
Title change to: GrooveMan.exe is the greatest mod ever
Also I realise that banning him makes me a hypocrite to a degree but GOD DAMN THIS IS STUPID
(08-11-2010, 05:13 AM)Josiah Wrote: [ -> ]Title change to: GrooveMan.exe is the greatest mod ever
i'm not allowed to be the greatest mod ever because that's meant to be tyvon
so i guess i am second best mod ever?
I've been holding myself up not banning him because I'd be biased for doing so, but holy shit this
This is beautiful, thanks Mr. Grooveman.exe!
(08-11-2010, 05:26 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Also I realise that banning him makes me a hypocrite to a degree
Why is this? I honestly don't understand what you're saying.
Technically from his point of view I'm banning him because of his inability to communicate (in addition to him being incredibly annoying and unlikeable); which I said I wouldn't do. Then again I don't care. Ho hum.
thank god, lucroshi was starting to become fucking annoying.
looks like I don't even need to bother with his shit anymore. so...
I have been waiting for groovie's breakdown for two years