Hello there. As you might know, many games tends to be irritating because of the fact that they have long loading times. What games you absolutely hate because of this? My pick would be Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex for the PS2. That game was really awful because of the loading times.
Sonic Shuffle was worth the wait
(08-14-2010, 06:52 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: sonic.jpg?v=1253757998937]](http://bligoo.com/media/users/2/109462/images/public/22006/sonic.jpg?v=1253757998937)
Just irritates me in general.
Someone has to say Sonic 06. I haven't played it myself, but I've seen it.
because who fucking gives a shit about loading times. "BAWWW I NEED TO WAIT MORE THAN 3 SECONDS TO PLAY THIS NEXT LEVEL THIS SUCKS"
I'm not irritated by the loading times, just by the way Deus Ex: Invisible War loads it maps
by which i mean the game throws up a loading screen, crashes, and reboots with the new map
itt the entire sonic series
also none cuz i rarely notice the loading screens
Games that irritate me in general: Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed, and probably quite a few more.
Games with irritating aspects but are generally good: Dark Cloud 1 (If you use your weapon you eventually break it and if it isn't the dagger you start off with, if you break it, it goes away forever.)
Sonic 06 very much. Only game I ever recall to have an unaveragely long loading time.
I loathe the loading times of the more recent Sonic games more than any other games lately, but Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST always seem to have 10 minute initial loading times for campaign maps anytime I try to play them.
Edit: Oh yeah and Metal Slug Anthology for the PSP. Its pretty bad when each of the separate sections of the level that would load instantaneously in any other version of any of the Metal Slug games take like 30 seconds at LEAST to load. The fact that when selecting a character it takes the same amount of time for the cursor to highlight a different character only aggravates the problem.
(08-14-2010, 05:42 AM)Alisbet Wrote: [ -> ]My pick would be Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex for the PS2. That game was really awful because of the loading times.
oh god this
its practicully unplayable
Minor one but I hate when Pokemon games are "Saving a lot of data..." since usually when it happens I'm trying to get the game turned off quickly because I need to go to class or whatever.
The King of Fighters '99 on the PS1
(08-14-2010, 05:42 AM)Alisbet Wrote: [ -> ]Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex for the PS2.
first post nailed it, close the thread
I know I talk about sonic 06 being not terrible, but the load times on it are still pretty harsh (all of you who have seen the Let's Play know what I'm talking about)
crash bandicoot is about 5 times worse, not even joking