Finally: this topic at all someone is looking or it for ghostsT_T?
Think you can grab me a screenshot of the game?
Sprites, if anything, are by themselves. This screen ...
![[Image: battlemaniacsb019.png]](
I think you could merge some of the sheets into one. That fire sheet, although well-ripped, only has 3 frames, making it too small. You could fit all the enemies into one sheet and call the sheet 'Enemies' or stuff.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to use any of these sheets. The white backgrounds screw up the white pixels in the sprites. If you can put them on a different-colored background while retaining what is supposed to be white (look at the Skeleton, for instance) then I'll be able to upload them.
do that for the 'toads now, and it's pretty much perfect.
(08-19-2010, 04:28 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, what he said.
That's the way the title page size screen. I understand better than they do

![[Image: battlemaniacsb000.png]](
FINALLY! Someone's ripping the great unripped Battletoads sprites. You're doing a great job Roket, i really appreciate it, keep up the good work pal.