Hi there.
I`m known as O Ilusionista, an old MUGEN maker from Brazil.
I wanna say thank you all for this awesome site. Those sprites are really useful and the site is very well done.
I`m glad to joined here. I will try to help as much as I can.
You can check my works at
see ya
hello, Mr. O Ilusionista.
I already saw your sprite rip, and you seem to do a great job. Welcome to tSR.
judging from your other threads, you should probably stick to ripping
because you can't handle criticism at all without going buttfuck insane and deleting your threads
No Track, this is not true. I just dont think is nice to be harsh or stupid with someone. There are many ways to say the same thing.
Kat already spoke with me about this and I`ve explained the samething to him.
And yes, I will stick to sprite rips.
Be fine.
(08-19-2010, 02:15 PM)O Ilusionista Wrote: [ -> ]No Track, this is not true. I just dont think is nice to be harsh or stupid with someone. There are many ways to say the same thing.
Kat already spoke with me about this and I`ve explained the samething to him.
And yes, I will stick to sprite rips.
Be fine.
It might help you to know that I'm a girl.
Welcome to tSR~
(08-19-2010, 02:15 PM)O Ilusionista Wrote: [ -> ]I just dont think is nice to be harsh or stupid with someone
I had a whole text wall written up here but
fuck it
here's the short version of it: People who care enough to not hold anything back and be as blunt as possible with you are the people you should be listening to. Blunt critique is truthful critique(and the best critique) whether you want to accept it as such or not/
(08-19-2010, 02:27 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ] (08-19-2010, 02:15 PM)O Ilusionista Wrote: [ -> ]No Track, this is not true. I just dont think is nice to be harsh or stupid with someone. There are many ways to say the same thing.
Kat already spoke with me about this and I`ve explained the samething to him.
And yes, I will stick to sprite rips.
Be fine.
It might help you to know that I'm a girl.
Welcome to tSR~

Read what 1up is saying.
I know that there's a rule about not making a post that is a rehash of another, but please read that. People are blunt here because they simply ignore/want to be spoonfed/backpedal otherwise.
I mean, we're blunt because we know you have potential. We're just trying to push to the max (I think that's what C+C is for, huh?)
Hey there, long time no see heh?
There's a secret here: if you're a jerk, everyone's going to be assholes with you. And people don't know how to be 'nice' when doing critics, nothing personal
Heeeey, long time no see, really.
Yeah I know, some people just love to jump at the other people`s neck just for sport

But I won't get into discussions, its useless.
Take care and don't vanish

(08-19-2010, 02:09 PM)Track Eleven Wrote: [ -> ]judging from your other threads, you should probably stick to ripping
because you can't handle criticism at all without going buttfuck insane and deleting your threads
Oh! So this is why that thread about his fighting game disappeared.
So what happened? I don't think what I said was especially harsh or anything.
Deleting threads like that is pretty rude, OP. If you don't want the thread discussed anymore, ask a moderator to lock it.
Quote:Deleting threads like that is pretty rude, OP. If you don't want the thread discussed anymore, ask a moderator to lock it.
hum, on the other foruns that I go, moderators and admin can delete the threads without any warning (and members, when they have this power).
Seams that here is different.
Ok, I will take note of this.
(08-20-2010, 08:31 AM)O Ilusionista Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I know, some people just love to jump at the other people`s neck just for sport
But I won't get into discussions, its useless.
But they weren't doing that. They were being blunt and harsh to try and help you. Try not to take it so personally like you are doing.