I took a look and I need to know if the characters are supposed to go over the 16 color limit.
EDIT: Actually it might be due to some sort of shadowing effect so her palette might be at 960,504.
Ok, prepare for the first package, I'm currently doing the icons for the existing sheets.
I will exclude three sheets:
- Kalviola (palette)
- Draconis Interior (palette)
- Helraios (flame animation)
They have some problems which I have to fix. By the way, I found this in the RAM:
A few battle sprites, unfortunately not everything. I wonder if PSicture + a physical copy would do anything to get the battle sprites. Unfortunately, ToD was never released in Europe.
And here is a WIP, I'm pretty sure that other Aeropolis dungeons are using some of the tiles as well:
Awesome. I'm eagerly awaiting them.
I think I had this same problem once before. I can't open the rar.
It's not a .rar-file, it's an .exe. This one is self-extracting, you don't need Winrar for it.
I just tried it, the archive works fine.
Hmm, it did the extraction and then closed and I have no idea where they extracted to.
EDIT: Oh, wait. I found it. I'm just an idiot.