is there any way to change the background when you turn off the layers(with the numbers 1,2,3,4)? When you turn the off, you leave only the sprites layer, the bacground will be black, which isn't too good. Tere's zsnes or what is it called, but that won't play the game i'm trying to rip...
You know
I literally had the same exact problem
because I couldn't get around it, I gave up on sprite ripping entirely : (
I *think* there's a manual solution to the problem (where you take the entire sheet of sprites you ripped without the black outlines and then doing a real fast edit to create new outlines), but then again that could also outline pieces of the sprites that shouldn't be outlined
I'd love to have a solution for this, too

Does Snes9x support cheat codes? If it does, you could simply create a cheat code that changes said color in the palettes.
Don't ask me about their adresses, though!
the ripping questions thread is stickied above this one
Could have put this into the ripping qeustions topic. (viper beat me to it)
Previous does have a point though, if you could make a cheat making the backgrounds a different color it'd be piss easy to rip them but the qeustion is how? Because I never knew of such a thing. But first what game are you even trying to rip? (Battletoads vs double dragon? lets not go there again)
apparently by using a game genie code, if you can find the address of the background layer you can change its color.
I have no idea how to do this since I don't rip, but it shoudn't be too hard assuming you know the address.