Terrific job on the Dewgong! Only thing i could think of is mabey use more black on the linings inside the fins and tail.
@Alexsani I made a brand new leg in the pose of the edit you did
to be honest, it feels like he is leaning still, but at least his legs are in a supportive position. I'll stop now.
Hey guys... I made a [really bad] Snorlax just now in my spare time. Looking for some constructive criticism on it
Btw, I used a darker gray for outlining the head cuz I didn't want the head to get lost in the back.
Not in style at all. Just read a few pages back.
Also not 8-bit, and I doubt it's using the gameboy colour palette either.
Alright then, snorlax v2?
Some immediate problems I see myself are the hands (claws look weird) and the facial expression.
Can I have some criticism on this one?
The sprite is exactly 56 across and 49 down.
Looks pretty ugly and deformed. The face is totally the wrong shape, and the outlining and AA is totally messed up.
The face needs to be more rounded at the bottom, at the moment it's almost triangular. There's also far too much AA and selout, tone that down. His head also seems squashed into his body, move it up a couple of pixels.
Ah, yeah, I see wut your saying. Kk thx. Will fix.
Some quick edits... moved face up, took some AA away, and made the head a bit more roundish. Better?
I woulda made him a LOT bigger if it weren't for the 56x56 limit. I mean, Snorlax is supposed to be a giant, right?
Still a lot of AA and selout problems, particularly in the lower body, try toning it down more. The lineart on the arms is also sketchy, as well as the body behind his left foot (our right).
Ugh, for what it's worth, here's my newest Snorlax. Hoeloe, I'm referencing the colors from the Pkmn yellow spritesheet, and the snorlax there has tons of AA, much more than this one. But whatever, I spread the AA and selout evenly and tried to put some more on the arms so it looks roundish and not so jagged. I made a couple more light edits.
Only problem is the face
can't get it to look right... can anyone edit it for me? Thx.
try the mouth like this /\___/\
The feet are problematic, as well as the lower body. The selout shouldn't be like that on all skin parts. Try outlining it in black, and use selout on the pieces closer to the lightsource. You currently have it in reverse.
Omega, don't know how I can fit fangs in there... face is so small
but kk.
Hoeloe - this better? Outline in black, reversed selective outlining position. I redid feet entirely - made it a bit bigger
I got the Snorlax sprite from D/P games and reffed another snorlax off of it.
2 POSES FTW! Tell me which is better.
PS. The feet are both the exact same except rotated horizontally and a couple minor edits on the claws
Did you guyz notice b4 you read this?
In other news, I'm gonna work on another Pokemon now.
NO. You're not listening to me. The body shouldn't be outlined in pink. Outline it in black. You're completely ignoring the lightsource, and obviously have no idea how selout works. The pink outline should only be in the places nearest to the lightsource. Your lightsource is clearly from the top left, yet you have selout along the bottom of the sprite: AWAY from the lightsource.
Alright, alright, sorry. This better? I added more AA to his stomach where the light mostly hits, and I added some to the feet cuz the light is kinda shining on the left (our left) side of them.
If the AA on his feet is bad, I could outline that all in black too tho.