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(09-17-2010, 11:42 AM)thernz Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, but I made an edit anyway. Not entirely sure how to smoothly color a sphere with a palette like this.
[Image: sdfs.png]

I have exactly the same problem^^' Normally i'm rather exessive with colours, so those limited palletes are giving me a hard time.
Do you mind if i use part of your edit?
Oh, I don't mind I guess.
Again, a bit of StC. This time Dr. Robotnik.
[Image: Dr_Robotnik.png] [Image: Dr_Robotnikbig.png]
It was hard to make the head not to look like his Pignas-shoutin cartoon-counterpart.
Oh and i know, the shadows on his boots are still looking a bit weird. I'll try to fix that. Any suggestions for the beard? It still looks a bit messy
My biggest suggestion would be to make the mustache look a bit rougher. It looks flat as-is. His legs also look flat, as opposed to his belly and boots. It's a great start though!
More like this?
[Image: Dr_Robotnik.png] [Image: Dr_Robotnikbig.png]
It really seems to be a thing of impossibilty to create a colour accurate Ivo within the MD pallette and make him look good too. At least for me ^^'
Edit: Now i'm trying to sprite the Omniviewer.
[Image: omniviewer.png][Image: omniani.gif]
Much better. He looks more, well, rounded now. I've never seen the Omni-Viewer (though I've read a summary of the series so I have a basic idea) but it looks pretty awesome. I like the animation.
Click here for some omni-vision
Made some progress on the Doc. Trying to get him a walk animation with his belly moving up and down, but it looks like i need some more frames and a good reference^^'
[Image: botnik.png]
I hope you get an idea what it's supposed to look like when it's finished
I also started to make a background of the Egg-Fortress.
[Image: egg_fortress.png]

Whoa, that's looking fantastic.
thanks again, dudeBig Grin
The fortress itself is almost finished, i just have to correct this lens-thingy a bit.
I started to do create the Special Zone bg around it. (Thx to the SandopolisZone rip for the dithered backdrop^^) Next part, is to do those weird objects and shapes flying all over the place.
[Image: egg_fortress.png]
Excellent work! But what I don't get is...Why is Robotnik so huge? Atleast compared to Sonic.
I'm back! And here's a wip of Emperor Metallix
[Image: emperormetallixwip.png]
And i'm trying to finish the tilesets as well.
EDIT: some progress
[Image: emperormetallixwip2.png]
I'm planning to do some more headposes
any advices to improve the upper ring of the UFO?
The emperor is almost finished, I just can't decide for the color of his hit-pose.
[Image: emperor_metallix.png]
I also made a short (but misaligned^^') animation.
It should probably flash white IMO. Maybe even frost blue or something.
Like this?
[Image: methit.png]
Would make a nice color imo^^
That actually looks pretty sweet.
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