Hey guys! another newcomer post here
I'll be making weapon sprites (if anything) and will give credit when i use sprites that require credit
That is all

Welcome to tSR.
Also I'm warning you now, Sprite Edits, Sprite Splices, and Sprite recolors are very frowned upon in this forum. Please try to make custom only sprites to post here.
only room for one devin around here bub
but we could use more sams we only have like 40 something
(09-04-2010, 02:03 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ] (09-04-2010, 01:22 PM)Pugnificent Wrote: [ -> ]but we could use more sams we only have like 40 something
No, we couldn't.
are you being mean or is my sarcasm not clear :<