What's happening to my thread?

Your thread is turning into a community project. Don't worry, you get used to it.
Oh dear ... does that mean it's no longer about me?

hi, neorice, thanks for getting me spriting again
(09-05-2010, 03:15 PM)Neoriceisgood Wrote: [ -> ]Oh dear ... does that mean it's no longer about me? 
this basically happens to every good spriter who comes here
it's completely normal
(09-05-2010, 05:08 PM)Sheriff Deadpool Wrote: [ -> ]hi, neorice, thanks for getting me spriting again
No problem, person.

no problem

you can call me kojjiro though
Aah, it's hard to tell with all the weird names on here.

Hey Neorice, and welcome to TSR.
I'll check out your comic some time soon, as i've heard only good things about it.
oh btw Neorice, 'k wist niet dat je hollands was.
Dat ben ik, en jij blijkbaar ook.

Nope, ik ben ni van Holland, en zeker niet surinaam.

Richtig, obwhol 'TheChaindog' ist ein toller belgien person ;O;
Die heb ik al jaren niet meer gezien.