I never understood why TheChaindog used AIM, 'cause AIM is much more of an American instant messenger. That's the only way i could contact him.
He just disappeared I guess. We never knew much about the guy, apart from being a belgium-sir. : [
(writin' this in english so that people won't complain)
(09-06-2010, 05:35 AM)Frario Wrote: [ -> ]I never understood why TheChaindog used AIM, 'cause AIM is much more of an American instant messenger. That's the only way i could contact him.
He just disappeared I guess. We never knew much about the guy, apart from being a belgium-sir. : [
(writin' this in english so that people won't complain)
I used AIM too and still do.

Neorice - TSR's best C+C giver 2010
I've seen your name somewhere, dA I think
Since you're friends with some of the tSR fellas, I suppose you're a cool person, and considering your comic, I have no doubt of that

Oh and TheChaindog never gave away his real name or another nickname, or deviantart :/
Oh and my first memories of you are from that bigass brawl pixel painting.
(i typed 'Oh and' twice)
I know most of that stuff, but we had a pretty bad seperation, so the last thing I plan on doing is contacting him again.

o: you know his personal info!? he's got a place where he submits art? which town he's from?

I'm always nosey when someone lives in Europe because it's dirty cheap to travel.
except Berlin.
Frario you should make a New arrivals thread too.
I'm sure many people would like to say welcome back to you
So you guys are both dutch?
My location is Brussels, Belgium. I'm Belgian.
Neo is Dutch.
Fario's from Belgium.
And I don't know where Chaindog lives, what I do know is that he really disliked giving out info and was pretty adamant about not meeting online people irl; so I doubt he'd want to meet you.

He told me that already, Neo : P. He was very reclusive indeed.
Oh and BigG, i don't need an arrival thread, it'll be just another one of those nostalgia threads.
Haha, sorry Frar, i was getting your location confused with Darky's for a second there.
I dunno if you remember but we used to talk quite a lot on MSN way back when.
infact, i remember when you first started learning Flash.
Oh and Neo, i quite often go to Amsterdam and Rotterdam if you live anywhere near there.
I'm not super near to those, I live in Leeuwarden which is all the way to the north of the country.
You go to Rotterdam/A'dam? - Koen lives in Rotterdam.
I'd go back there, but only if the group's bigger. Thalys is a ripoff sometimes but, then again Dutch national railways is pretty nice.
Woah, that's near Groningen and Texel. Too far indeed!
I've been to Texel a few months ago, it's lovely there.
....I'm an arse for going off topic the entire time. My apologies : /
Yeah let's go back to the topic of me and how awesome I am.