You are awesome, neo.
Oh yeah
Welcome! I remember way back, you helped out with Project Prism, haha. I like your comic.
whoever brough neorice on tsr
i hate you.
i was going to do that
it was probably me i think, i know i got him to join pixelxcore probably
Stop taking credit for me joining sites, Koji; It was Shawn. T_T
I'm laaaaate, but welcome Neorice.
Like pretty much everyone else here, I really enjoy reading that comic of yours.
Thanks man, I'm glad you like it!
(09-07-2010, 06:09 AM)Neoriceisgood Wrote: [ -> ]Stop taking credit for me joining sites, Koji; It was Shawn. T_T
how dare you blame me?! ;__;
Blame you? Leading me here was a good thing!