Hi guys, I'm new here. I recently started spriting some Fakemon (Fake Pokemon) and I was just wondering if I could get some C+C on them. Here is one of them:
It's a Pre-evolution of Smeagle, and it's my first Fakemon, I kinda like how it turned out, but I still need some C+C on it.

And heres another one:
It's a Pre-evolution of Absol. I like how this turned out, too.
Thanks guys.

(09-05-2010, 09:43 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]They look like edits.
Hmm. Well they're based on an image, but they're sprited from scratch.
If you resize a sprite, only use values like 100%, 200%, 300% etc; your smeargle prevo really messed up because you've gone for 250%.
Seriously, never do that again.
Otherwise your linework really needs to improve, I see a lot of sharp angles in areas that should be rounded; Look at Absol's head in an official sprite and then at your prevo's head,
can you tell how yours looks a lot less like a proper round shape?
Fix that.
(09-05-2010, 09:48 AM)Neoriceisgood Wrote: [ -> ]If you resize a sprite, only use values like 100%, 200%, 300% etc; your smeargle prevo really messed up because you've gone for 250%.
Seriously, never do that again.
Otherwise your linework really needs to improve, I see a lot of sharp angles in areas that should be rounded; Look at Absol's head in an official sprite and then at your prevo's head,
can you tell how yours looks a lot less like a proper round shape?
Fix that.
I see what you mean. I'll keep that in mind for next time, thank you.
Also about the head, yes I see now. Thank you lots for pointing that out. I'll keep that in mind for next time I do a Fakemon.
Why so harsh, everyone?
I personally, also don't like editing my own sprites, i post them the way they are, and then move on to others, Using the C+C i received here..
everyone has their own way, and i personally believe that you learn much faster while making newer sprites, instead of spending hours and hours editing the same one..
As for Kakeru, Usually, people resize 200%.. Then it doesn't take much space, and every pixel is visible, all the errors have been named by people above, so, Good luck.
(09-05-2010, 10:12 AM)nairenu Wrote: [ -> ]Why so harsh, everyone?
I personally, also don't like editing my own sprites, i post them the way they are, and then move on to others, Using the C+C i received here..
everyone has their own way, and i personally believe that you learn much faster while making newer sprites, instead of spending hours and hours editing the same one..
As for Kakeru, Usually, people resize 200%.. Then it doesn't take much space, and every pixel is visible, all the errors have been named by people above, so, Good luck.
I don't get this attitude. What's the point of asking for C&C on work if you're not going to actually do anything with it? We're not critiquing what you're going to make in future; we're critiquing what you're making
now. What's more; what we reccoment for one sprite might be entirely different to what a future sprite might need to be fixed - the two are entirely mutually exclusive.
tl;dr: That was some terrible advice right there; fix what you make now to be more prepared in future, not the other way around.
I've noticed a handful of you in this thread seem to have missed
this. Read it over.
(09-05-2010, 10:12 AM)nairenu Wrote: [ -> ]Why so harsh, everyone?
I personally, also don't like editing my own sprites, i post them the way they are, and then move on to others, Using the C+C i received here..
everyone has their own way, and i personally believe that you learn much faster while making newer sprites, instead of spending hours and hours editing the same one..
First off, not one SINGLE person was harsh in this thread, even up to this post that I'm typing right now!!! (woah, weird huh!!?)
Second, it doesn't matter if you don't like editing your own sprites. You can keep doing things your way, but it doesn't change the fact that this is a VERY bad way to try and improve (mainly because you won't. At all). If you try to apply critique given to you on a previous sprite to something you're working on now (or, as you're probably doing: simply shrugging off anything that isn't a tongue-in-ass compliment about your work), you're going to continually repeat mistakes and NEVER improve because, why should you? You can always apply comments like "don't resize" and "great stuff!!" to your next work and continue being God's Gift to Art, right?
Sure, go ahead and do that. Just keep that attitude out of TSR. We've all dealt with it WAY too much and it's not even something that I like to do anymore. Seriously, I had to force myself to stay awake while I was typing this, people with your attitude bore me SO MUCH that I almost pass out when reading your posts. And I just woke up 3 hours ago.