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I'm almost always posting drawings and photos. XD Hope you like my stuff!
Pokemon vector stuff galore and occasional request from other franchises, but i'm not really using it ATM.
Here's mine, I made it 2 months ago, but I couldn't get the verification e-mail until now... the moment I switched to G-Mail, hngh.

I have nothing, but I'll add stuff in the future.
i'm not terribly active on DA, only till just recently have i been working harder on my art (not a whole lot, but more none the less.)
Have not been able to get anyhting going in a long while, thougb I do have ideas floating around.

Ignore the stoned Kakashi-- he's WIP and I am planning on updating his look sooner or later.
Hello all!
I made my sprites, portraits and logos. I'm Brazilian...

Visiting the site. Smile
Havent added mine, so:

Account was originally Cyb's, but he put my work up here as well and it has grown into a shared account. 95% of the work there is mine, since I draw a lot while Cyb "takes his time". This is explained on our main page.

When you see 'By NICKtendo DS' in the discription, it's mine.

New DA account. I upload every so often.
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