I am now losing my Spriters Resource virginity. This is not only my first upload at Spriters Resource, but also my first post in general, so apologies if everything is fucked up and nothings working or displaying. I've decided to do sprites of Rachael, Miss Til and Zola from the Battle Arena Toshinden series. Yes, I do use black pixels for outlines AND in-lines. I know it can kill small details, but I LIKE IT.

Also, the proportions aren't perfect, mainly because these sprites are Guilty Gear big, but the official Toshinden 3 artwork was out of proportion too, so I've done no wrong. Wow, doing this really does feel like losing my virginity - right down to the fact that I'm naked...
I'm gonna post another sprite as soon as these ones are up...so... Its prolly right above this one. And remember - winners don't do drugs, they get laid first, then take drugs.

I uh,
Not to say anything about the quality of your work but.
Considering how you've drawn these; isn't it kind of bad form to masturbate to your own artwork?
Yes. Already. Another one. If you read the Battle Arena Toshiden post first, you'll have read my analogy that I was essentially losing my Spriters Resource virginity. In this post, I'm in the after-glow... :coolfrosty:
Anywho, this is Kyoko, who despite showing the least amount of flesh of all the girls in Rival Schools/Project Justice (forgetting Akira, of course), I had the biggest crush on. Now I've beautifully recreated her with giant, pointy nipples... Like they're accusing you of something.
Yeah, her legs are a bit funky, making her look unbalanced, but hey. I like to draw sprites (in my beloved MS Paint), but I'm not all that great at it. Still, I think she looks alot better than Zola and Miss Til do in the Toshinden sprites.
So, if the Toshinden sprites was me losing my virginity, this sprite was the after-glow, then my next picture (whenever it goes up, maybe even tomorrow) will be me finding out I've contracted syphilis, followed by me awkwardly confessing to my father who beat me on the head profusely with a carrot. Yes, a carrot.
Is her top in pink latex or something? cause no other normal fabric does that.
if her nipples are constantly hard, she must have go-...nvm
I just have a general dislike for exagerated nipples on girls.
(09-07-2010, 05:00 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]I uh,
Not to say anything about the quality of your work but.
Considering how you've drawn these; isn't it kind of bad form to masturbate to your own artwork?
Yes. It is quite hard.

But seriously, I'm in no way a brilliant artist. I am just a hobo who staggered in from a dumpster and started drawing on MS Paint. While masturbating of course.
(09-07-2010, 05:11 PM)Frario Wrote: [ -> ]Is her top in pink latex or something? cause no other normal fabric does that.
if her nipples are constantly hard, she must have go-...nvm
I just have a general dislike for exagerated nipples on girls.
Apologies for being a randy devil.
I, on the other hand, am a fan of the exaggerated nipple. 'Tis a sight to behold.
stop trying to exaggerate things until you know what you're doing when it comes to anatomy
"but im aiming for something kind of cartoony!!"
yeah shut up I hear this excuse way too much. Learn proper anatomy, even the cartooniest and most exaggerated of styles will benefit from this
You don't need 2 separate threads of obscenely-rendered pixel art (Seriously; this is pretty much NSFW, and we don't do that kind of thing here). Threads merged. Try to only post new threads in S&PA when you *need* it, not every time you make something new.
Also, I'm turning these all into links because they're just
(09-07-2010, 05:14 PM)TouchDownHero Wrote: [ -> ]Apologies for being a randy devil.
I, on the other hand, am a fan of the exaggerated nipple. 'Tis a sight to behold.
I'm sorry but
what the fuck?
(09-07-2010, 05:35 PM)Track Eleven Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I'm turning these all into links because they're just
Well, I never...
Yeah that's fine, get pissed off at me turning the very tasteless (and slightly NSFW) pictures you posted into links
I'm clearly in the wrong and deserve to be punished
I see in the space of 10 minutes, we have become enemies.
Maybe it's because you made your first post describing yourself masturbating in a dark room while spriting your anime waifu.
I dunno, just a guess.