hey guys, doing this to help out with a hack, was just looking for some more technical feedback - i think i got most of it down just have a niggling feeling about the trainer sprite in particular:
![[Image: backanimation.gif]](http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/771/backanimation.gif)
currently working on overworld sprites too
The throwing sprites have really bad colouring on that jacket making it look really flat in comparison to her hat. The arms are strangely shaped mostly around the elbows and bends. There is also lightsource issues but that comes from the shading problems on the jacket.
Also... is this just an edit of the old sprite?
best advice would be, don't do edits. at least dont do them if you don't know what are you suposed to edit and what should be left intact. shoda already pointed the weird limbs and joints, the screwed up lightsources, out of perspective shoulders. you want at least to stick as much as posible to the original trainer from where this was edited so it would work as a base in case you're bad with anatomy.
shit doesnt look any good son.
ouch...way to break it gently. alright, i'll take another look at the originals, but i see what you mean regarding the flatness.
yes, these are edits/mashups of the original sprites (the head i altered from the GBC, the pose for the body taken from the male ruby hero), but the purpose of the exercise is to get them as inconspicuous as possible alongside the other game graphics, as opposed to being an original work, so to speak. i'll come back to you, thanks for the iput
ok, one step at a time i guess, brought up the original and took another look. went and made the gradient softer on the shading, ditched the shoulder pads. still not so sure about the right side, but an improvement?:
one thing i want to emphasise is the shadow under the hair (being the most striking feature) but i'm wondering whether that is at the expense of making that right side look flat.
the obvious dithering on the hat is the biggest problem to me
hmm..i suppose. i guess i'll lighten up the darker yellow in order to make the gradient less harsh rather than dodgy dithering. thanks for the input guys
how is this looking now?:
![[Image: backanimation3.gif]](http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9127/backanimation3.gif)
i just noticed how the perspective is more practical than functional. the original's back is facing right at us, while the head is suposed to be twisted between looking at the front and to the side.
Her hair looks very pillow shaded now, and the shape of the left pigtail is pretty off.
ok, here's my final version where they have been chopped down to 16 colours each to go in game, meaning i had to drop alot of the shading (my stupidity for not counting properly)
anyway, i reckon they've come on quite a bit since the first post, what do we reckon?:
need to make a start on the overworlds now