Hi I'm Robo-doupleganger (also known as Omega1237 in SI) and Im here to show you some Pixel art and sprites to you all first of all Here is
Sonic's first speed fine
Any comments?
Sonic looks to stiff, the flesh part of his stomach looks off. The joints don't look connected, and, to top it all off, it's pillow shaded.
Needs a lot of work.
hmm... Nice facial expression

though the whole sprite needs work.
1-There are pillowshaded spots. Pillowshading is a common mistake by the begginers; it's when you shade near all the outline and keeps the middle bright, which makes it with inconsistent lightsource.
2-It's clearly visible that you used the MS Paint tools to make it. Don't use them if you're trying to make it look professional-like.
3-Don't use MS Paint default-ish colors. They're bad for pixeling; create your own by scratch (that means, not just darkening or brightening a default color) or if you can't do that, get a palette from the real sprite to help you up (don't forget to give credit for them).
4-You need a bit more contrast (difference between light colors and dark colors). Having two identical shades are useless. But there are some places with too much contrast (i.e the arms). Make it match with the whole sprite.
5-Work your anatomy. His arms are away from the body, his legs look a bit short and his belly looks misplaced. Also, it looks like is a different object protuding from his body; the way you shaded the belly makes it weird. You need to shade the belly and the body as one object.
The spines should be further down on the head.
Wow...for once I got decent critisism thanks.
Yeah I need to do A LOT more to make this better oh and BTW:
1) I didnt really want it to look proffestional, I just did it for show
2) I dont have 2 Identical shades
I will get to work on it ASAP
Yeah, I guess I said too much... Oh, about the colors, I meant "almost identical shades". I was afraid of writing way too much...
No, no its fine relly the more critisism the better.
Anyway As you can see in my Avatar I have an update:
And the sheet:
Ok I want to say a couple of things about this:
I was more intested in the Brainslug's facial expression when sucking on the lemon. I coudnt care less about the lemon (although I may decide to reshade the lemon).
Any comments?
*Clears dust* Ok I think I may need to update...
Its model ZH (Hotarunix) 100% scratched. PD when complete. Feel free to add poses when finished.
I didn't know it was scratched, in that case its a lot better than I thought. You got the style spot on.
That is NOT 100% scratched.
Are you by any chance omega1237.
Cause If you're not we have a problem.
Yeah I am, just check my first post.
(12-26-2008, 11:09 AM)Robo-doupleganger Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yes it is...
I mean that mega man model.
What Model ZH sorry?
(12-26-2008, 10:21 AM)Tuna Unleashed Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't know it was scratched, in that case its a lot better than I thought. You got the style spot on.
Thanks a lot for the comment there TU.
A WIP of how I scratch my sprites. I may add that pose to my sheet. hmm... Comments?