I have a Japanese copy of SM64DS and need a way to extract game model data, etc. Can you recommend any way that can allow me to extract game data from the ISO and replace it with edited data? Like a DS ripper tool or something like that?
To be honest, I don't even know that its possible to extract models from that game that way much less replace them. You could get the textures just fine from that game and maybe replace them, but other than that I have no idea. Not to mention it doesn't even use the regular DS format for models in the first place which is really what makes it bothersome to rip from.
Super Mario 64 for the N64 though is different. There's a great level editor for it and texture editing is very easy. However at the moment model editing has only gotten as far as modifying Bobomb Battlefield. While you can basically make BB whatever you want, its limited in that you can't modify the geometry of anything else. You can get the editor here:
and the beta version with the model importer here:
I figured, thanks though. I was looking specifically for SM64DS, but I will find some other way.
Quick bump. I have used both the 3DS script and a .bmd model viewer, but still unable to open DS .bmd model data. I've maxed out every possible way I can open a .bmd file myself, but still not getting anywhere. Can someone suggest a method where I can open DS .bmd files and be able to view them?
(11-27-2010, 07:23 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ]You know actually, this program apparently supports it: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=8407.15
Its gone through a few rewrites though so you may have to find an older version that still supports the format.
That made my day. I guess I'll be waiting for him to release his 3rd demo since all of his versions are not allowing me to open model data from a certain game.
He made a new release now, but it doesn't support 3d...
He did state that ds 3d model formats were his top priority now that he's basically finished on sprites.
And them? How I can extract some file (which was already converted with an image type, such as png):
Example with Black/White:
![[Image: Untitled_2.png]](http://d.imagehost.org/0557/Untitled_2.png)
I need to print-screen's? The only way?
Using version 0.1 because much things from 3.0 was removed
As I said, he's gone through a few rewrites so I can't be sure what does what exactly, but I'd imagine that the save as/export functions might not have been programmed into some versions of the program. In that case, yeah you'd have to print screen it.
If he can view something like this:
How is it not possible that you are able to view 3d model data already? Or has this feature not yet been released? I was actually having problems with button glitches and not being able to open any sort of data.
Like I said, he's done at least 2 rewrites of the thing already. I'm really not completely sure why though to be honest.
The latest version doesn't support 3D models yet. But he's working on that as his next feature.
Note that in v1, the model has a LOT of glitches. Also, it uses an opengl plugin, but apparently print-screen rippers don't work on it so, yeah.
In v2, almost any model shows up fine, but v2 doesn't support textures and uv mapping.
v3 doesn't support 3d, and apparently v4 will.
Well, I never could open .nsbtx and .nsbmd files, maybe he just working on but stayed the code there...
As the first time, I tough my PC, cause it's 64-bits, could not work as well
(12-01-2010, 09:20 AM)gabrielwoj Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I never could open .nsbtx and .nsbmd files, maybe he just working on but stayed the code there...
As the first time, I tough my PC, cause it's 64-bits, could not work as well
That REALLY shouldn't be it considering that my PC is a 64 bit Vista of all things and it works fine. Either you had some beta version of it that didn't support it, your Java was out of date, or your Video drivers need updating.