Well, not really 'some thing' but 'some way'. Does anyone have a clue how to rip from Saturn games, like, maybe similar to PSX VRAM? I'd like to rip from that Symphony of the Night port, but there's either A. Screenshot ripping, which is simply dumb, or B. I could probably open the ISO in Tile Molester or something, but I've gotten lazy after easy PSX ripping and I don't even know if Tile Molester can open full-blown ISOs. For that reason I ask the community here.
I'll post my SotN rips once I get something legitimate, or, alternatively, just because. Not like it provides leverage anyway. I mean, whoever Smithygon is, he's a badass. But hey, I could rip Saturn games!
If PSX VRAM is basically a function to view whatever images are in the game's RAM at the moment then this emulator should work very similarly to that except for the Saturn :
To get to the graphics viewer, you'd click debug in the menu and then click VDP1. It should be fairly straightforward from there.
You could probably use Tile Molester if you really wanted and open up the graphics files on the ISO, but it would probably end up being a lot more bothersome than the above method.
(09-12-2010, 09:54 PM)Shadowth117 Wrote: [ -> ]If PSX VRAM is basically a function to view whatever images are in the game's RAM at the moment then this emulator should work very similarly to that except for the Saturn : http://yabause.org/
To get to the graphics viewer, you'd click debug in the menu and then click VDP1. It should be fairly straightforward from there.
You could probably use Tile Molester if you really wanted and open up the graphics files on the ISO, but it would probably end up being a lot more bothersome than the above method.
Thank you! With that here's my first attempt at ripping something (Don't laugh, I tried...)
Seems easy enough. I'll be sure to get what I can tomorrow.
This Quest has been transgressed with finesse!