06-04-2012, 11:03 AM
(06-04-2012, 10:10 AM)Arisa Wrote: [ -> ]moral of the story: everything was fine, no character change was needed.
Yeah I know, that wasn't the part that I didn't like, as I've already said.
And honestly, I'm not changing Mossy whether anyone tells me to or not unless I change to a character I like more, which I actually might sometime soon. 

(06-04-2012, 10:05 AM)Lets All Love Lain Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, it was just a play on the creepy factor.
So yeah. The girl being punched is just as a riff for a specific craze the internet has, and the fact it was Chris2Balls was just for design purposes.The whole comic hinges in that Gors and Viper are played as creepy otaku obcsessed with cute moe girls; however when it comes for the turn for my character, the impact comes in that he manages to be creepier- be it in Ending A in which he gets all happy to see a character all bandaged up, a play about this being a common fetish with this character, or an ending B in which we all love Lain while having her suicide because I love depressing endings. However, the moral in this ends up being "this was a stupid idea and an abuse of trust", as by the end of Ending A Jetters is all angry and by Ending B she goes back, traumatized, to her original design. With Metaru as a cop.
Alright then. I'm not upset about it or anything of the sort, I just have sensitive feelings about that subject.
If it makes you feel any better, it didn't put any damper on the rest of the comic after it (all of Option A) though.