Wow, that was dumb to an excess.
Obviously not a real movie but I hope this gets released to the 'net; I need to see it in non-blur-o-vision.
wow that was cool i hope to see more in the future
if this was real it would only be in japan.
and even with all the blur I can tell the cgi is shit.
ash ketchum - justin bieber
pikachu - samuel jackson
brock - terry crews
misty - megan fox
(09-16-2010, 06:12 PM)Pugnificent Wrote: [ -> ]pikachu - samuel jackson
"Pika pika, motherfucka."
That is so funny. I was embarrassed to be watching it. And I'm home alone.
So bad. So,
so bad.
It's actually not bad for a Fan-Film. don't get me wrong.
the cg pikachu was SHIT
but he CG magnemite makes up for i, because it fucking owned