So I figured how to rip the pokemon party icon today and I wanted to share what i ripped so far.If anyone can tell me how to extract the full sprite it would be greatly appreciated i want to rip other animation frames.
![[Image: 638-649partyspritesheet.png?t=1285037955]](
Sprite sheet contains pokemon #638 to #649 from left to right(Before last pokemon is #648 Melodia's alternate form- bottom right)
Im also willing to rip more if anyone wants me to.
Before I go to sleep i ripped a few more enjoy...
620 to 637 left to right once again no special forms.
![[Image: 620-637partyspritesheet.png?t=1285040848]](
Hi you will continue working on that? Btw Awesome work!
(09-24-2010, 03:46 PM)venom12 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi you will continue working on that? Btw Awesome work!
wow someone posted ! sweet well sure ill work on it i just wanted feedback

here is for the support will rip more later i jsut wanted to post more show i was still working.
its pokemon 590 to 619
please finish, these could turn out to be very useful
I will post more in about 3 4 hours when ig et back from japanese class and also where did you get tabunne's animation???
It's around page 55-60 in the pokemon bw thread, Groove posted a link to some guys imageshack, who has a bunch of animations there. What I really want to find is someone getting sprite sheets of the animations.
Im waiting for more i will use them in my game.
(09-25-2010, 09:09 AM)venom12 Wrote: [ -> ]Im waiting for more i will use them in my game.
Ill get right on it just gime a tiny credit also id love to help in any way

![[Image: 494-521.png?t=1285441505]](
Of course credits will be given
when you're finished, could you compile them all onto one sheet? thanks for ripping these

Looking good so far, randomdice101.

(09-26-2010, 08:42 AM)DialgaTime Wrote: [ -> ]when you're finished, could you compile them all onto one sheet? thanks for ripping these 
yes that was my intention all along i was busy yesterday but today and tomorrow i have a lot of spare time as such i should be able to finish or be close to finish with the sprites.

(10-02-2010, 07:00 AM)venom12 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi anything new? ;]
ya sorry been up to stuff will work on it now again real sorry