This package includes all little soundfiles from the new Pokemon Black and White versions.
I (SpaceEmotion) has NOT ripped these sounds, I only packed them into this zip-file.
Credit belongs to: -FDM64-
You say you only packed them, did you get permesion from the rippers/site to submit them to this site?
If you didn't rip them, then I can't accept them; end of.
Have the person who did rip these post them him/herself; or post consent for you to submit them.
Quote:did you get permesion from the rippers/site to submit them to this site?
Rippers have no rights on ripped material, don't give it a sh*t (sorry, that's the bitter reality).
Person A rips Stuff X, Person B rips Stuff X later again (there is no difference between "steal"
(that's nonsense) and "rip again"). And it doesn't matter after all because both Persons are not
the original authors.
And I hate things like "Don't use without permission" on a !!RIP!!, permission by who, huh? You?
Don't make me laugh.
Auch wenn das hier sicher nicht angenommen wird, besonders weil du es beteuerst, dass es
nicht von dir ist, nettes Paket.
Magic Maker, this is a little different. While it shouldn't be necessary to credit the ripper in the use of their work, submitting someone else's rips - no matter the circumstances - is not okay.
Yes but this was not what I meant.
I only wanted to say that the result has no difference for the Person C who wants to use Stuff X.

(09-24-2010, 07:15 PM)MagicMaker Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:did you get permesion from the rippers/site to submit them to this site?
Rippers have no rights on ripped material, don't give it a sh*t (sorry, that's the bitter reality). 
I asked the user from FFShrine forums and here is what he said:
Quote:The permission to use these is not mine to give, as I did not rip the sound files from the ROM myself. Please contact the user "-FDM64-" on this board if you wish to use the 2SF resources.
He has also hadn't ripped them by himself, but he posted this files. I'll check more about this rights of ripping and ask "-FDM64-" if I can use these sound files.
@MagicMaker: Danke
Thanked GrooveMan's Post because he understood what i meant.
This is useful, but it would be nice if you could find the attack sound effects (as in the supereffective, neutral, and weak ones that play when animations are off).
Well, at least the submission should be to: "-FDM64-"
He ripped... So it's him credit, right?
yes. I only packed them into a zip package
The difference is that we need the guy who ripped them to give permission for us to host his work. If someone sent all of my ripped sheets to another site, I'd be pretty pissed off. It also then goes without assumption that one could simply duplicate tSR and it'd be fair game.
Due to these sound effects being on basic music rips, they count more, to me, at least, as just very short pieces of music. As otherwise suggested, I believe other sound effects from the games need to be ripped~
Please don't necropost. Either way, as these weren't ripped by the topic creator, they're not really acceptable. Next time you necropost, I'll have to warn you.