Well do you know where you can actually get a good emulator too play this, before I get the patch for it?
Edit: All my old stuff from my computer was either virus infected so I had to start fresh.
Well anyway, Windows 7 use as well?
desemume will work fine, and you can run with win7 (might need to run in compatibility mode, idk)
i just did the starter battle in the first town and my room is messed up
what do i do next
fun fact: see the little types [FIRE, ELECTR, NORMAL]?
i made those
yes i actually opened up the game, tried it, replaced all the typings and gave Kazo the files when I was done (i'm even credited in the post)
pokemon hacking is now much closer to home.
I... I may just start playing White.
Damn... I might just try this when I get some time.
HEY GUYS AN ENGLISH PATCH IS OUT unfortunately the majority of the game isnt in english
oh ok i'm gonna continue not playing this game until the game is released in english (because the complete english patch will never be finished
you know, this is kind of a waste of time.
Like, if Black and White were NEVER GOING TO BE RELEASED IN AMERICA for some reason, then yeah okay I can see why you'd do this. But it's a fucking Pokemon game. This isn't Mother 3. Pokemon Black and White will come out in a few months. Have some patience by's.
(09-24-2010, 09:01 PM)Ark Kuvis Wrote: [ -> ]you know, this is kind of a waste of time.
Like, if Black and White were NEVER GOING TO BE RELEASED IN AMERICA for some reason, then yeah okay I can see why you'd do this. But it's a fucking Pokemon game. This isn't Mother 3. Pokemon Black and White will come out in a few months. Have some patience by's.
they always do this with pokemon games though
some people cant wait 6-7 months
as for me though ill most likely wait, only played a tiny bit of the game
Oh yay theres a patch realeased but i cant play it on my ds because my r4
seems to stuck on the loading screen!!!

Oh i mean my ds and my computer doesn't read my r4 when its on my ds when i open my ds it get stuck on the loading screen not any game's loading screen

I'll probably wait until the actual english release. I already have White imported, and really, it's not that hard to understand, even if you don't know much japanese. But eh.