Okay, so I sat down and made a few practice sprites, which I could do with some crits on.
First are some recolours. Yes, I know recolours are shit, but I was using this to practice my colour choice skills. If you're going to crit these, please do so on the palette alone, and not on the fact that they are recolours. Top is original, bottom is my colour choices. With most of the sprites, I tried to match up the original colour style, if loosely, but with one of the Links I tried to colour it in a different way, as you can see.
After doing these, I decided to try a custom Link to the Past Link, using various stylistic aspects of The Minish Cap. I intended this as both colour and shading practice.
And lastly, I made a custom sprite of me. I would like crits on this mostly, since it is using no real style save my own. I'm not too sure how well the outlines work...
![[Image: spriteofme.png]](http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/1416/spriteofme.png)
Well, one quick thing before I have to get offline.
On your custom sprite, his right foot is not positioned well because at the moment it looks like his right ankle is broken. His foot needs to be pointed at the viewer, not off to the right due to the perspective of the rest of his body.
I personally don't like the black outline around the pants either.
Will add more later when I'm not in such a hurry, but I assume others will beat me to anything else that needs fixing.
Redrew the foot, put more selout on the trousers and fixed up a couple of other things that were bugging me.
![[Image: spriteofme.png]](http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/1416/spriteofme.png)
Those proportions are entirely crazy. The head is far too small, and the legs far too long. The knees are somewhat indeterminate - mostly because you didn't make a distinction for them when you blocked the sprite out. The arms are overly thin and noodley for the same reason.
I wanted to try exaggerated proportions on the arms and legs, and also slightly thinned limbs, but I guess that didn't work too well. I can kind of see what you mean about the knees though.
Okay, tried to fix some of that as well as a couple of other things:
![[Image: spriteofme.png]](http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/1416/spriteofme.png)
On the Links, I dont like the way that you colored them, because well, it looks just liek a recolor.
And the custom Link has some problems in the face, specially the postion of the eys, and the custom character looks like he is air humping
(I shoudlnt talk by my avatar) and the shading in the waist looks very plain, and I dont like the feet
Well, the Links ARE recolours. The point of them was to practice my colour choice, getting contrast and saturation levels right.
Custom Link was very rushed, I don't like it at all. Might redo it later.
As for my character:
I'm not so keen on the feet myself, will probably redo. Wait shading has been bugging me too. However, I kind of like the style given by a slight air hump, as long as it's still in a possible pose, which I have checked myself, and I can quite comfortably stand in a position like that. However, if it really is a huge problem, guess I'll have to get rid of it...
Such heavy shading on b/w girl's hat suggests that the pink parts would be darker too, I think. The guy's hair is too dark to make out the lineart/details. I guess I'm okay with MC link but lttp link just looks like a dirtier version.
On the custom, the spine is curved really strangely. Your latest edit makes it a little better, but it's still an issue. I wouldn't even really call the actual air-humping the problem, things just aren't fitted on right somehow. I think it's the way the head and neck fit onto the body, or the curvature of the torso, wish I could be more certain/specific.
I extremely suggest adding AA on the legs, and I think the hair needs more volume in the back of the head.
I think I know just how to fix it. And I'll give it a shot.
PS. Might I ask which kind of AA you recommend? Internal, External, or on the lines themselves?
EDIT: Took a shot at fixing it.
![[Image: spriteofme.png]](http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/1416/spriteofme.png)
is there a program on spriters resource to make a sprite or you have to make it by paint.
cant you follow your own advice mr.hedgehog777?
Just an observation. The face is very undetailed, so if you want to make expressions with that face it'll be difficult in the future.
Disregard this if this is the style that you are wanting.
Also, I really like the addition of the belt. It makes the distinction of the waist a lot better than it was before.
Yeah, I was trying to go a for a simplistic look in the face; partially because of the lack of space, but I also just quite like the uncluttered look of it.