![[Image: willeon.jpg]](http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/4539/willeon.jpg)
A Pokémon I drew a while ago in the tradition of Lucario and Zoroark. It still needs a prevo and I encourage anyone to make one, since I'm likely not to.
Mancyro (Pyromancer)
Firestarter Pokémon
It creates walls of fire to protect its cubs. Using its psychic powers, it's able to create fire anywhere it sets its mind to.
Idk, shouldn't the Lucario of this gen be canine in some way? Thats a good design, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't give off a Lucario feel, at least not like Zoroark did when I first saw him.
The body strikes me as more of a female figure, but the face doesn't reflect as such.
I would change the face, seeing as the body is already really well done.
A Dragon/Poison bassed on a gila monster lizard.
So, for the legendaries, since we have science and magic, we're going to have one based on HEART! that will allow you to fight and capture the former two, and the Rock-Paper-Scissors trio, meaning we have our mascot legendaries and our minor tio, now we need the bonus legendary. Maybe we could do one based around, say,
the concept of nothingness, as has been suggested earlier in the topic. Before we get started on it, I wanna hear what you guys think about the idea and whether or not we should do it.
The concept of nothingness... sounds pretty awesome. Design might be an issue though. I was thinking some alienish, "wacky" or "strange" design, but I dunno most of you may prefer something more serious. I have a sort of design in my head, if everyone likes the nothingness concept I'll draw it and you guys can use it for ideas.
Maybe something like a black hole or a void of sorts. And it's heart...well actually it shouldn't even have a heart since it is nothing.
(07-08-2011, 11:17 AM)mutantyoshi Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe something like a black hole or a void of sorts. And it's heart...well actually it shouldn't even have a heart since it is nothing.
I never said anything about it having a HEART! Though it could be used as the third version mascot, instead of the HEART! Pokémon.
Mutantyoshi, he said the heart Pokemon was going to go with the mascot legendaries (science, magic and heart), while the nothingness Pokemon was going to be a separate bonus legendary, like Celebi/Jirachi/Heatran or something similar. But to me a nothingness Pokemon doesn't fit in with the other two. It should stay as its own legendary (maybe it could even have a prevolution, a "Void Pokemon" that evolves into the "Nothingness Pokemon" or something).
Kyurem is supposed to be a legendary representing nothingness, you know.
I don't know about the 5th Gen....
Though I looked at Kyurem's article on Bulbapedia just now and it mentions absolutely nothing relating to nothingness, only ice powers (though is that what "Boundary Pokemon" means?). That doesn't mean that the games don't mention it though, so IDK.
Kyurem represents the abscense of yin and yang. That doesn't mean he is "nothingness", but rather the absolute neutral, one without goals other than to obey its natural instincts (eating, sleeping). Neither part good nor part evil, he is unsided. That's what Boundary Pokémon means.
oh, that makes more sense. Thanks
My concept for the "void" Pokémon
![[Image: kracthex.jpg]](http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/1492/kracthex.jpg)
Kracthex (Kraken+Cthulu+Vortex)
Absolute Zero Pokémon
Type: Dark
Ability: Arena Trap
Said to be from the ninth dimension, one from our world cannot grasp the true form of Kracthex.
Residing in the deepest ocean, it ambushes passing ships and drags them to the abyss with its infinite tentacles.
Your drawing is good as always but the design doesn't really look like a pokemon.
Maybe you should change the eyes by adding pupils or something.