I've been working on creating Mint in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
Finished up the forward walk so far, and just started the rearward walk.
![[Image: z_sample_mint1.png]](http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad112/TheRedThane/Isometric%20Sprites/z_sample_mint1.png)
looks like an edit of the female protagonist
Hello /square/,
No this isn't an edit, but I can see where you come from. I'ld blame it more on my lack of artistic talent. However, I get better by doing so I will continue doing (though if you wish me to continue in privet, then I will do so).
One dissapointment I have with my work so far is that Mint looks to have long hair instead of pigtails. Mint is suppose to look like this:
front view,
side view,
back view.
hey,i remember that game.
to expand on my comment: it looks like an edit of FFTA's female protagonist. mainly due to hair color and haircut,and the fact the clothing isnt helping at all with its low readbility. the key element here is indeed the ponytails, so basically if you can make them stand out enought, the character's readbility will be greatly increased.
I've decided to abandon the idea of only using FFTA's colors. The picture below has Mint changed from default blue palette to a custom one I originally started with.
...I probably should should change the background to something that isn't blue-ish. It would be easier to see Mint. Next, I'll work on making Mint's hair more orange followed by the pigtails.
now it looks even more dull now.
I'll toy with the clothing colors later. I'll either stick to the blue or recolor the alternate. Changed Mint's hair so it is more orange.
![[Image: z_sample_mint3.png]](http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad112/TheRedThane/Isometric%20Sprites/z_sample_mint3.png)
needs more contrast and hue-shifting, especially hair
remember what those two things are chris.
Working on the hair look more like Mint's. Also tweaked the hair color a little, and restored the clothing to default blue.
![[Image: z_sample_mint4.png]](http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad112/TheRedThane/Isometric%20Sprites/z_sample_mint4.png)
Bwhaha, I finally finished renovating Mint's hair.
Something is bugging me about the left most sprite's pig-tail. I don't know what, but I wont worry about it for now. Actually I should animate what I have and see if I still notice the bug.
Any hints for improvement?
The curve in the pigtail is too low, which is why it looks strange. I can't think of anything else to say!

Thanks Chris. I'll see how moving the curve works.
Okay. I fixed the pig-tail and created an animation for the walking sequence.
![[Image: Mintwalkingforward.gif]](http://i927.photobucket.com/albums/ad112/TheRedThane/Isometric%20Sprites/Mintwalkingforward.gif)
Her right leg should move alot more between frames.