I've ripped the animation frames for a handful of Pokemon, an am working on several more atm.
more on the way.
I'll organize them better if I know they will be accepted, as to not do aditional un-needed work
Very cool rip. I think they'll be accepted. Can I use the desukan animation for my avatar please?
Yes, yes you may.
BTW next targets, Kyurem(the Ice/Dragon thing) Chrameleon, Lucario, Gengar, Dageiki, and Emonga (who has like a billion frames

also can someone make m some icons?
These are so awesome, thank you so much for this! Would you mind if I used Rankurusu as my avatar? (with credit)
Also, i will love you forever if you can rip gochiruzeru (emo loli), clafable, and Jaroda (smugleaf 3rd evo)
(not exactly a request, but if you don't know what to do next.....)
nice rips, aslo did you rip them while in battle? i think thats why there is some cut off of the right of Desu.
If you get it from the Pokedex's Forme option you could get pieces you missed.
Also you left out your credit tag in Gear and Rankurusu
Keep up the Great work!
What Kyleglor said. And why not also put the back poses on the same sheets for each Pokemon like the way Solink did?
It's on my to do list (the back sprites a little tricky, since I've been ripping via battle, though I forgot the status screen also has them)
![[Image: trapinchsheet24149.png]](http://www.iaza.com/work/101002C/trapinchsheet24149.png)
update, and since I like to work in families...you can all guess who's next.
though it's gonna take time, the shadows that come with animation ripping, so far the outlines were different colors, allowing for easy shadow removal, but vibrava and flygon have outlines the same color as the shadows, and exist on the same layer, so it's gonna be a little touger to rip them, (I have a hunch about using the evolution screens...)
I'm going to use the dirt crab thing as my avie if that's ok with you.
Very great, but I have one request. Could you add the back poses like the sheets currently on the site? This is great so far!
Hello ^^ wow great i love your rips there great^^!!
i cant wait to see future rips^^ i cant wait to see smoochum and Pachirisu!!^^

@ton, yes it's my next agenda of bussness (though I really don't wanna...) However, this will cause a problem, see vibrava's black outline was the same shade of black as the shadow, and they exist on the same layer, making ripping it's animation without a shadow via stat screen impossible since getting rid ofthe black shadow also hit the outlines. I managed to get my game to freeze on the evolution screen and thus ripped from there (you have no idea how hard that was) but I will not be able to get the proper backsprite without the shadow.
sorry if I sound confusing there...
and to everyone, yes you can use them for avis.
also vibrava! last rip of the night for me.
![[Image: vibravasheet61523.png]](http://www.iaza.com/work/101002C/vibravasheet61523.png)
time for my namesake
![[Image: flygonsheet29419.png]](http://www.iaza.com/work/101004C/flygonsheet29419.png)
will eventually get around to doing the backsprites.