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Hmm...doesn't look like there's any change.
try a shadow...y'know, on the ground. I believe shadows get bigger as objects come closer to the ground in MLSS style. not sure tho :x
(09-05-2008, 09:29 PM)-Dark- Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm...doesn't look like there's any change.
try a shadow...y'know, on the ground. I believe shadows get bigger as objects come closer to the ground in MLSS style. not sure tho 
Added Shadows and made the flight larger, thanks Dark, update,
![[Image: baronbrrmlnu0.png]](
I'd make the back of the crown look different from the front.
(09-06-2008, 10:37 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]I'd make the back of the crown look different from the front.
Actually on the crown he is symmetrical on all sides.
I'd probably dither the face or something. The face shading seems to be a bit lacking.
(09-06-2008, 11:20 AM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]I'd probably dither the face or something. The face shading seems to be a bit lacking.
Everybody told me to take the dithering out, so I think I'll leave it.
I agree with Lunyka, the face shading is weird. Also, the crown is not symmetrical, the big jewel is on the left.
(09-06-2008, 07:17 PM)Mageker Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with Lunyka, the face shading is weird. Also, the crown is not symmetrical, the big jewel is on the left.
Im going to leave the face as is because in the official game model, Baron's face is the flattest part, and Mageker, I centered the Jewel, update,
![[Image: baronbrrmljw4.png]](
The face looks disconnected so unless you take out all the dithering I suggest putting it back in.
Ok im back with a bump, and decided to start a Cavestory remake project along with my other WIP's, so first on the list is the big mushroom enemy, all I have so far is a blinking animation, I gave him tanish color like a real mushroom, C+C,
![[Image: cavestoryfs0.png]](
![[Image: my.php?image=cavestory1animyk3.gif]](
I like it.
The top part of the shroom looks too symmetrical, though.
(09-12-2008, 09:26 PM)CoolYoshi Wrote: [ -> ]Ok im back with a bump, and decided to start a Cavestory remake project along with my other WIP's, so first on the list is the big mushroom enemy, all I have so far is a blinking animation, I gave him tanish color like a real mushroom, C+C,
![[Image: cavestoryfs0.png]](
![[Image: my.php?image=cavestory1animyk3.gif]](
The top needs to be curved more, and you could maybe AA the eyes.
Bump again, And I have a new siggy =D!
Also I've added to it some sprites. The one on the far left is the white core enemy from Cave Story, and I've improved the mushroom, take a look at my sig. The styles are in random order.
I dont see any change in the mushroom

(09-15-2008, 04:18 AM)Mageker Wrote: [ -> ]I dont see any change in the mushroom 
Minor change, I made the outline more real.
Over 10 day bump, and lately I have been working on some custom Mario enemies, and I have started a complete sheet of ground Buzzies. The reason you see 3 copies, Is because that is the way I set up my sheets getting them ready to make More poses, the only ones that aren't there yet are Noko Bombette Bony Bettle, and the Dark species, I plan to finish and submit this, so C+C please,
![[Image: buzzieslb5.png]](
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