Dummy layout for my next page. It's pretty much done, but I can't help but feel the text can be tweaked to feel more Pokédex/Nature Guide like. There might also be typos I've not picked up on.
Can people read this over and give me their thoughts?
It looks like you can format the Do Say and the Don't Say to be directly under the picture.
The black font could be changed.
It doesn't really match the theme you're going for.
I'm not a huge fan of the header.
The font at the top looks like it's got anti-aliasing at some parts and not at others.
I like it.
The only thing that stood out to me was that the bright green slightly clashes with the faded blue.
Then again, I'm no fashion expert, so please ignore my ramblings.

I enjoyed it, but I caught some typos in the Retro Gamer paragraph. "They Gamestation and the market for rare second-hand gems," and "Retro Gamers are most likely resort to eBay instead."
Thanks, Devin has actually given me all the typos, so they've since been corrected. It's more in the way of if anything would benefit from rewording.
The Black font has to stay black as per how newspaper formatting works. The topmost header can't change for the same reason, and I'm rather partial to the 'Games' Banner. Everything else is duly noted.
Neckbeard's Don't Say bit is odd. Ends in a " for no reason.
'They Gamestation and the market for rare second hand gems.
This sentance doesn't make all that much sense to me?
Maybe it should be:
'They shop at Gamestation and the market for-'' ?
Anyway looks good.
I said I'd gotten all the typos! :V
But yeah, those have been noted, and corrected in the original document.
I consider those gramatical, not typo. You dingleborry.
What in the world is a dingleborry?
You're all dingleborries.