i'll do Growlithe and Arcanine, ok.
Well, ripping the legendary blue, I leave you:
Thanks to Jefelin for help ^ ^.
P.M: Now rip to ononokusu xD
Sorry for my bad inglish xD.
Kurimugan completed
Deneb87, sure I clamed the right to rip it but i am no devil. Anyone who took the time to rip LUGIA, one of the hardest of all to rip should be credited. i am going to take my claim off Lugia and give you the credit. Love your rips by the way.
Rafael, that sprite delay it's big i think...
(10-13-2010, 09:25 AM)Poktendo Wrote: [ -> ]@Denub89
Sorry, I can do that but I'm lazy and I'm always posting flipnotes on HATENA.
Thanks Everyone! I will continue with these and I will also post the other sprites in a zip.! Sorry if I caused any trouble with it in a zip.?! But, I will be doing more! Also, Where do you get those Sprite boxes that they use on the sprite resource? Please Answer! What SEREBII always says: But 'till next time...
The thing is, we don't want the sprites in a zip, they need to be in a sprite sheet like everyone else is doing.
(10-13-2010, 09:25 AM)Poktendo Wrote: [ -> ]See ya later![LOL! Not LATER! LOL!] (School Hours 9:10 - 3:26)
just for future reference, things like that aren't handled here very nicely. The site is already trying to act more professional. I don't want to sound like a backseat mod, but I'm warning you typing things like that isn't very good for a first impression.
Also, now that I look at it, ClowcardRuler, the Erufuun's cotton neck thing has a jiggling piece that looks out of place. Is it supposed to be like that?
Also, are you going to post the sprite sheets once finished?
Yanappu complete
![[Image: yanappuback.gif]](http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/4251/yanappuback.gif)
So far, so good, but there are a few things I have to say...
1. Both
Zuruzukin and
Zekrom have had their sheets shrunken down. Seeing as they're hosted on Photobucket, I'll just quote what I've said a skillion times already:
(10-03-2010, 05:53 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ] (10-03-2010, 05:24 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]The problem now, is that the whole sheet shrunk. Try Imageshack, then it should work.
I'm certain that I've said this at least a dozen times now, but Photobucket is fine. However, you have to change the settings (look for "more options" near the upload button), and set the maximum upload size to "1 megabyte file size". That way, you can upload huge spritesheets like this one and it won't get shrunken down. Just as long as the file isn't over 1MB.
2. Jefelin,
Tsutarja was already ripped by Solink. Any reason why it had to be re-ripped?
If I'm not wanted, then see ya.
If I can't post in a zip. then whatever.

why are you acting all butthurt about this? I was telling you you shouldn't post a .zip because not everyone can open them, and they aren't as convenient as sprite sheets. You could post a .zip, as long as you have a sprite sheet WITH it.
And getting mad over me trying to HELP YOU is getting you nowhere, so I suggest that if you can't man up and act mature, this isn't the place for you.
(10-13-2010, 05:59 PM)Baegal Wrote: [ -> ]why are you acting all butthurt about this? I was telling you you shouldn't post a .zip because not everyone can open them, and they aren't as convenient as sprite sheets. You could post a .zip, as long as you have a sprite sheet WITH it.
And getting mad over me trying to HELP YOU is getting you nowhere, so I suggest that if you can't man up and act mature, this isn't the place for you.
I'm not mad. It's just that I can't make sprite sheets. It takes forever to open all the sprites and then migrate them to another paint. Sorry.T_T
Also the program that I use to split the frames in the gif. is ****! The program is a ******* horrable!
it does take time to arrange the sprite sheets. That's one reason why a lot of people want credit for their efforts.
i actually ripped the animations straight from the game so the neck thing is suppose to be like that and metalflygon said that ne would create the sheets for me or get someone to do it
Can someone please do azelf for me becasue when i try finding azelf right after the battle if i kill, catch, or run it always freezes, tyhanks
Is anyone actually gonna try and rip a complete sheet rather than posting animations? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Some sprites such as: Boruteruso, Spiritomb and some of those. they're slow because the creator of them added the same image two times when created gif, i will try to fix all slow gifs. And create some sheets.