(01-24-2012, 02:18 AM)the__end Wrote: [ -> ]there is a frame difference between tentarcruel normal front sprites and shiny front sprites...
its the same with the back sprites...
so either the normal tentacruel sprites are ripped/animated wrong or the shiny sprites...
looks like i got totaly ignored with this... =(
you know you shouldnt overlook the fact that there are some animations wrong and need to be reripped... <.<
i know its just more work but we want to do all animations correct right?
What's the difference? Is it missing a frame or is a frame distorted or something?
(03-24-2012, 01:47 AM)Ploaj Wrote: [ -> ]What's the difference? Is it missing a frame or is a frame distorted or something?
i once uploaded it but it got delated... =(
here its again...
the frames begin to distinguish from each other around this point...
and at the end the shiny animation has 92 frames and the normal one has 83...
so either the shiny animation has to much frames or the normal one has a few less then it should has...
either way there is something wrong and i was not able to fix it with removing frames from the shiny one...
the back sprites has the same problem...
imo best is to rip them again but its just my opinion...
hope you guys can find a way to fix it...
It's supposed to have 83 so the shiny is the one that is messed up so just apply the shiny's palette to the normal animation.
(04-26-2011, 06:37 PM)Zerø Wrote: [ -> ]Jefelin, could you please rip these Shiny Pokémon?
i have serious problems to recolor them because the normal sprite has a color, which has two different tones in shiny form 
you see tentacruel is somehow hard to recolor...

and taking out the "wrong" frames from the shiny one dont work either...
i tried but there are some frames totaly different in the shiny version and if you take all unnecessary and different frames out there are some frames missing in the shiny animation... <.<
Hmm I guess I'll just rip the shiny one then
See? I told you it was a good idea to keep this thread open.

I already knew some of the anims had problems from previous posts so I probably would have said something too.

OMG have you guys seen from here the second video they show a battle
http://filb.de/1772 and if you notice the Pokemon are animated differently
and in the third video the show the animations of white and black kyurem
I was just about to post that here. Anyway, that sounds good to me. We should definitely make a new topic for the 2 games when they come out in Japan this June.
Another Pokemon animation ripping project!? Heck yea count me in
I think it's a bit early for this but I'm just gonna say I claim Snivy and Oshwott families
I doubt that all of the Pokemon have different animations because Serperior's looks the same to me, but you never know. At least it will be done quicker. This time, I plan on helping out with more.
Hopefully the game will use the same format as before, making it a piece of cake to rip from.
I claim Pichu!
And if it's not any different, then I want Lampent/Escavalier/Registeel.

i know its been almost a month since the last post but i ripped the entire pokedex from black and white.... (if i forgot something say it thought...)

here it is --->
if the rip is ok it would be nice if someone can make an icon... ^^
another quick question...
should i start ripping the Cry images for all the pokemon?
i mean these:
its pretty easy to rip but well there are 649 of them... <.<