Oh sorry Here and if you don't mind I fixed the white spots under the feet
![[Image: palq.png]](http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/5510/palq.png)
And here's Jarooda
![[Image: snakefront.gif]](http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/7746/snakefront.gif)
![[Image: jaroodaico.png]](http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/4462/jaroodaico.png)
I just noticed I am the only one that post in this thread without an animated pokemon as my avatar.
Oh and I am reposting this because it wasn't on the site yet
![[Image: deoxys.gif]](http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/7880/deoxys.gif)
![[Image: 386deoico.png]](http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/9971/386deoico.png)
Edit Edit:
Since I can't alter the list of Denab could some one help me claim these pokemon
Treeko, Janovy, Charizard, Bayleef, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Wooper Male and Female, Dunsparce, Gligar M&F, Houndour, Mudkip, and Poochyena Please and Thank You
(11-13-2010, 12:00 AM)Ploaj Wrote: [ -> ]Oh sorry Here and if you don't mind I fixed the white spots under the feet
![[Image: palq.png]](http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/5510/palq.png)
And here's Jarooda
![[Image: snakefront.gif]](http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/7746/snakefront.gif)
![[Image: snakeback.gif]](http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/2237/snakeback.gif)
![[Image: jaroodaico.png]](http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/4462/jaroodaico.png)
I just noticed I am the only one that post in this thread without an animated pokemon as my avatar.
Oh and I am reposting this because it wasn't on the site yet
![[Image: deoxys.gif]](http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/7880/deoxys.gif)
![[Image: deoxysspeedback.gif]](http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/3672/deoxysspeedback.gif)
![[Image: 386deoico.png]](http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/9971/386deoico.png)
Edit Edit:
Since I can't alter the list of Denab could some one help me claim these pokemon
Treeko, Janovy, Charizard, Bayleef, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Wooper Male and Female, Dunsparce, Gligar M&F, Houndour, Mudkip, and Poochyena Please and Thank You
Speaking of calling pokemon I call; Gardevoir, Blissey, Girafarig, Toxicroak, Weavile, Milotic and Magmortar
I'm a little angry, first at AJ Nitro:
Know that most of these rips and I had also had posted the templates, I only had to add the instructions, and that he was going to do when he rips all of this generation.
This is the real list
Jarvis, Friend do not know because you've ripped, is that nobody looks and the list of Deneb, if you think you'll see that both the rip Chiraiichino Chillarmy as me and for quite some time, so good I do not know what to say, I'm a little disappointed but otherwise I will not have to add instructions to the two rips.

Do not think too many rips at the same time, my advice added to the list rips you're going to do that day or the next as much (I could also fill the entire generation, but would take more than a month to do it), but I can will modify the list (I've been doing as well, since in general are accustomed to not change it

It is no doubt your work but I think you get it from here (good ripped but have errors in sequences)
Please a bit of seriousness, this is filling with noobs, I know you want to help but please do it as professional as possible, I think this continues I will leave the proyect and I still really, since the quality of the rips is worse.
My opinion:
All that is needed for this to go well, is that we take it seriously and have fellowship, and I think both things are starting to fail.
Pls calm down Jefelin... iam really sorry.. i ripped Chillarmy and Chiraciino again beacause i saw you rip Yuniran and Daruban again that has already been ripped by Clowcardruler.. iam verry sorryx100 pls forgive me............
I Rip Yuniram and Daburam because they weren´t made in the list of Deneb (furthermore they lacked back), I've said it many times, but we managed and accountable to the list of Deneb this will be a mess and everyone will start posting what you please, please , is the last time I say, look at the list of Deneb and so there is no problem
Aw, the one I wanted to see being ripped the most hasn't been ripped. XD If anyone has the time, I'll be waiting for the Kojondo.
I look at the list I have been doing so since clowcardruler told me to.
And I wanted to claim those so someone else dosen't rip them first I am
Furthermore I am sorry that my rips aren't top quality
I am Sorry

Sorry Jefelin, but what I meant about that list is that there's no completed sheet of those yet. I already knew some of those were claimed and some just didn't have a complete layout yet.
@Ploaj: I not say for you, your rips are fine Ploaj
@AJ Nitro:
Okay, so anyway there will be no doubt.
Well here is Kenhorou female, Mamepato evolutionary line has been extremely difficult to rip, but it is finished
![[Image: kenhoroufem.gif]](http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/7672/kenhoroufem.gif)
Before I forget, a friend of WAH has already begun to recolor the sprites to make shinys, I will add to the list of Deneb's shinys facts, and I encourage anyone who wants to know recolor sprites to help (if desired).
(11-13-2010, 11:27 AM)Jefelin Wrote: [ -> ]Before I forget, a friend of WAH has already begun to recolor the sprites to make shinys, I will add to the list of Deneb's shinys facts, and I encourage anyone who wants to know recolor sprites to help (if desired).
That's Super!!!

And which list, i don't know which one?