Post 1250 updated, with the Jynx icon linking to the completed sheet of Jynx.
And now that the sheet of Sceptile is back, under a new host, here's the icon again.
![[Image: sceptilebw.png]](
(12-10-2010, 06:20 AM)Jefelin Wrote: [ -> ]Again, I removed the sheet of Sceptile, here it is, I ask that post homepage soon, for some reason someone does not want to put the sheet of Sceptile
![[Image: sceptile_sheet1sb57aw.png]](
Great job everyone, Clowcardruler, Zekrom101 and Misdreavus, your rips are great, and finish the project soon 
The pack of 4 GEN I still posted because there are two shinys yet, please ask someone to do, we need a person responsible for shinys :/
Flareon front (normal and shiny) has an error in the frame 103, that Misdreavus repairs (do not know why it's wrong if you do as I told you you should have no more problems).
Mawile back has error in pixels in the frame 38, also the sequence of movements is incomplete, notice first about 2 times the first move and 1 on special, but then makes the first move 4 times and 1 on special, that is not in your rip, please be strong a little longer, the goal is to make it as close as possible to the original sprite, both in speed and in the order of the sequences (and that goes for everyone)
The front of Volveat has a small error in a frame, missing pixels to one of its antennas.
The rest of sprites are correct, I only had to change some things including the speed (Guys velocity try to simulate game like the original, an example Flareon moves very slowly compared to the original game)
Are these better?
Oh and you said you changed things, do you mean you fixed them or u still want me 2?
Cuz the Mawile thing I think you mean, the first basic movement is 2 times, then 4 and then the rare movement? I just want to make sure I understand

Well basically I add them right speed changes and optimized, nothing more, and I can not be continually uploading images and repairing (I barely have time to rip) and they all come out in the pack.
As for Flareon, I think what you've done is remove the frame, well then I will rip me to Flareon when the 1 gene, and so I say to Mawile, real friend you do not know what we do I'm sure you do as I told you because if you did you would have (should have) these problems
Thanks hopefully soon be added to the main page, I had to upload the image 4 times (and hopefully not have upload more)
![[Image: lotad.gif]](
(12-10-2010, 10:19 AM)Jefelin Wrote: [ -> ]Well here is Lombre
![[Image: lombre.gif]](
![[Image: lombreback.gif]](
![[Image: lombresheet.png]](
Ludicolo male
![[Image: ludicolo.gif]](
![[Image: ludicoloback.gif]](
![[Image: ludicolosheet.png]](
![[Image: ludicolofemale.gif]](
![[Image: ludicolofemaleback.gif]](
![[Image: ludicolofemsheet.png]](
Are these what you meant Jefelin? If so I'll get right to work on the back sprites, otherwise tell me what I need to fix
Mawile Revamp:
And what the hell, here's Gorebyss and Mewtwo
I'll probably do Hitmontop next. Here's already ripped, but I need to fix the bg and perfect the animations. Thing is I also have a huge list of gifs to do for my show so yeah. My next eight will be: Jigglypuff, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Zangoose, Seviper, Delcatty, Ralts and Sableye.
Anyone mind if I claim just Aggron? I'd really like to rip it.
Also, amazing work.
Wow, these rips you have been great, however you are missing Mawile´s back (which had a defective frame) and the sheets do not forget that

(12-10-2010, 12:38 PM)Jefelin Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, these rips you have been great, however you are missing Mawile´s back (which had a defective frame) and the sheets do not forget that 
I just wanted to make sure Mawile's front wasn't missing anything and then yes, it's time for sheets

Well thought it was perfect but I discovered that in some frames between pixels mandículas roses are some of the fund, that means you do as I told you, my friend uses the Gif Movie Gear you will be happy with a simple click the bottom disappear therefore resolved that, otherwise it's perfect
Look this is the error (Is in many frames)
Anyone planning to do Raichu or Snorlax? I saw that Pichu, Pikachu, and Munchlax have been done, so I was hoping their final forms would be completed soon too.
(12-10-2010, 12:50 PM)Jefelin Wrote: [ -> ]Well thought it was perfect but I discovered that in some frames between pixels mandículas roses are some of the fund, that means you do as I told you, my friend uses the Gif Movie Gear you will be happy with a simple click the bottom disappear therefore resolved that, otherwise it's perfect 
Look this is the error (Is in many frames)
![[Image: ddasda.png]](
Damn I thought I got all of them, will get right too it. I also finally see what your saying. Everyone who's ripping sprites make sure you watch the whole animated sequence in the pokedex, because otherwise you'll never get a full rip. I just ripped Delcatty and there are 5 different sequences, meaning I had to rip the whole animation w/ a whopping 249 frames. But I'm up for it, it'll just take a while *facepalms* But don't worry Jefelin I analyzed it to the extreme. I'll finish Mawile first though and fix it.
(12-10-2010, 12:51 PM)CCH Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone planning to do Raichu or Snorlax? I saw that Pichu, Pikachu, and Munchlax have been done, so I was hoping their final forms would be completed soon too.
I was thinking of doing both, I can do them soon if you like