Whether I log off or not, the icons will still be done. Just expect them sometime today. Sorry, it'll be a busy week for me since I have final exams coming up. But don't worry, I always have some time to squeeze in some icons.
Okay guys, sorry for the wait. Eevee, Gorebyss and Mewtwo are now complete:
Next up will be: Hitmontop(complete), Clefable, Wigglytuff and Jigglypuff sheets. Then, Zangoose, Seviper, Raich (m + f), Snorlax, Delcatty, Zubat and Oddish family.
here is my list
Xatu (Male)
Xatu (Female)
The shiny Mewtwo is green? Didn't expect that, but as far as I can see it's not on the sheet.
(12-13-2010, 09:51 AM)Davias Wrote: [ -> ]The shiny Mewtwo is green? Didn't expect that, but as far as I can see it's not on the sheet.
Crap........Mewtwo was so hard to get the right size. The animations were all too big, well noone has said anything. Jefelin should I do it again w/ the Shiny on?
Edit: Nvm fixed it
Davias Wrote:The shiny Mewtwo is green? Didn't expect that, but as far as I can see it's not on the sheet.
Misdreavous525 Wrote:Crap........Mewtwo was so hard to get the right size. The animations were all too big, well noone has said anything. Jefelin should I do it again w/ the Shiny on?
I agree, the first shiny front sprite of Mewtwo, as well as its first shiny back sprite, are nowhere in the sheet. May I request that the sheet be fixed, please?

Well sorry guys but I had a busy day a little, so I could not rip anything, I see you guys are just like me.
I do not understand, what about Mewtwo?
Hey Misdreavus has already ripped Serviper?

Ok I'll post tomorrow
Friend again I encountered a lot of mistakes in your sprites, particularly in the back of hitpmontop and the front of zengoose, they all have cuts in pixels, really I do not know how to tell you but leaves the method you're using it for anything serves to make a lot of sprites if a good percentage have errors, why do not you do as I say?, do you have a problem?
Uhh.. I'm sure you're busy and all that, but didn't you say you were going to do Raichu and Snorlax too?
(12-13-2010, 10:40 PM)CCH Wrote: [ -> ]@Misdreavous525
Uhh.. I'm sure you're busy and all that, but didn't you say you were going to do Raichu and Snorlax too?
Yeah, they'll be up next. I already have them ripped, I just have to fix them and make sheets.