My second posting on the site, I hope you will accept it, I would be grateful =)
This sheet, I made for project of my fangame, but I decided post one sheet version for public use, and here contain sprites based on 8-bit classic moviments, also MVC and MMX5 poses. I focused more on using MM7 as a base for expressions, and color palettes, some sprites from MM7 were also edited the size to my sheet.
I believe it is useful for FanGames and animations. =)
I thank you in advance, and hopefully that you accept it

Cooler sprite. I are new in this forum
so you basically aded MVC's taunt's and a spining animation to the genesis's megaman?
(10-12-2010, 08:39 PM)/■/ Wrote: [ -> ]so you basically aded MVC's taunt's and a spining animation to the genesis's megaman?
No, I did the whole body from scratch, in many frames, it was not just a job to resize the sprites, I work three weeks to finish this.
This is not at all the Genesis Megaman, Metaru...
yeah, I've only used Megaman from Genesis, only for help me with the walk sprite, for do more frames based on 8-bit walks.
Hmm, I'm going to move this to Sprite Discussion.
i don't know how does this relates to sprite discussion at all. i dont see what should ve discussed about this actually
(10-12-2010, 08:53 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, I'm going to move this to Sprite Discussion.
Thanks, any help is welcome, although I already have finished the sheet and posted in some places, but I accept help, yes ^ ^, thanks. just I do not like to change the basis of the sprites, maybe just some animation.
can you actually specify how much of this is an edit, and how much of this is actually "your" work?
(10-12-2010, 09:00 PM)/■/ Wrote: [ -> ]can you actually specify how much of this is an edit, and how much of this is actually "your" work?
well, I did all the sprites, all right, I edited only one or another (perhaps the slip and walk as I said), the head was taken from Megaman Soccer (who had only two or three directions, I had to make other) , and the rest is my work

Making things so based on existing sprites is not a good idea. Examples are cool. Grabbing things off of different sprites is not, because everyone is automatically going to be reminded of those things. You're always gonna come off as a "less-professional version of so-and-so." The quality also jumps between what you based/grabbed on other things and what you did from scratch. You might as well make some with their own style.
Mega Man 7 has some pretty ugly sprites anyway, I dunno why people insist on using them
(10-12-2010, 09:16 PM)StarSock64 Wrote: [ -> ]Making things so based on existing sprites is not a good idea. Examples are cool. Grabbing things off of different sprites is not, because everyone is automatically going to be reminded of those things. You're always gonna come off as a "less-professional version of so-and-so." The quality also jumps between what you based/grabbed on other things and what you did from scratch. You might as well make some with their own style.
Mega Man 7 has some pretty ugly sprites anyway, I dunno why people insist on using them
Yeah, you're right, but it was exactly what I did, I took with the exemple original sprites, and I not put them up and turned into mine. I just used the base as look at the frames, and joints. I can say that this was a work of mine, not an edit of the fifth category

I know I'm not the best spriter of world, but my sheet is not bad, huh?.
PS: I agree that many of MM7 sprites are horrible, ugly indeed =P.
The feet, the arms, the colors, and the shading are too similar to mm7. I'd really like to see you try to experiment and be a little more original
I really have to finish my own MM sprite someday, mm...