What are the most annoying sounds you have ever encountered in a video game?
The whining of a kid who just got fragged.
the minigun in super crate box
i mean it just came out like a week ago but UGHHHHHHHHH
Le'see, I bet fangames don't count (most of the time, they use the wrong sounds or they're too loud).
I can't really think of any, but I know my dad thinks Kirby sound effects are annoying. And baby Mario.
(11-06-2010, 12:24 PM)Sploder Wrote: [ -> ]And baby Mario.
Especially when the thing's off your Yoshi's saddle in SMW2: YI.
Critical health beeping. I don't need an alarm to tell me I'm almost dead as I can read the life meter after all.
I dunno. Critical health beeping is definitely not a nice sound, but it kinda adds to the experience a bit. It really makes you not want to die, and increases the tension.
(11-06-2010, 12:24 PM)Sploder Wrote: [ -> ]Le'see, I bet fangames don't count (most of the time, they use the wrong sounds or they're too loud).
I know what you mean. Sometimes, I wish the developers of those would take the time to tweak each sound effect to make sure they're the right volume.
Critical health warnings usually don't bother me, but I remember in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow that the beeping when you got to red health was VERY VERY annoying since it blocks out half of the battle music and sound effects while at the same time being very loud.
I always hated that "YOUR POKEMON ARE POISONED" sound and effect that goes on, even when you aren't battling. Always makes me wince
The game over music.
Could be as beautiful sounding as Dark Cloud 2's Game over music, I still hate it.
If you've played Burnout: Paradise in French, you probably dread every time DJ Diabolica opens her mouth

Sonic's voice before colors
My dad also hates yoshi's voice.
Then again, he just hates cute things.