I'd love to attempt something in this style even if it wasn't going to be a part of it, but I don't know what I'd actually get done between now and mid March. (A friend of mine is getting married and I'm a bit busy with stuff involved with it as well.)
(02-25-2011, 06:54 PM)SmithyGCN Wrote: [ -> ]Sure do. Needs organization, though. Do you want me to put it up?
Wait.. is it Popple or General Guy?
I forgot about General Guy. But yeah I meant Popple.
EDIT- Also I started making some more sprites but so far I don't know how I fell about them.
If anyone wants to take a shot at fixing them up, go for it.
Yeah. I'll go organize the Popple sheet and put it up. You have what looks to be a great start on Victini and Gallade. I don't see any problems withh them so far.
For now, General Guy is up and so is the wrecked Dragon Tank.
The Golden Sun stage is Imageshack-resized and all blurry.
After a long while, the laptop I use had to be restaged and, for whatever reason, I neglected to backup my files and lost a lot of my work.
Well, this is no longer going to be a game, but a simple sprite project. I apologize to everyone, but this major setback has forced me to make up my mind about this.
The project will still get updates, though.
I'm too lazy to backup my stuff on USB sticks and use min.us + imageshack instead. It's always a pity that good work gets ruined by such an accident.
If this becomes a sprite project, will you include the stuff from your old thread in this topic?
Then you're not alone. I don't know what you mean by old thread, though, but I will try to include as much I can.
Added 9 sheets to the Castlevania section.
Ah, okay. Only problem is: most of what I'm missing can't be recovered from them because I stupidly uploaded them to picoodle. T_T
At the time when I saw your old thread, I saved the best sheets on my harddisk, like Kathleem, Wagner & Dark Matter:
Here is the zip with all your sheets which I've found in your three old threads + the saved things from my harddisk:
Maybe you should ask around, I'm sure somebody saved some more sheets than me.
Huzzah! Thank you. Though, I'm still missing a few tile sets like the Castlevania related stuff.
Added Bomb, Cloud, and Living Dead to the Final Fantasy section.
Hi Smithy!

(09-16-2011, 12:30 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Smithy! 
Been a while, Ton. How are you?