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This link contains this HTML5 drawing application called as dA muro developed by DeviantART. Draw something cool with that application and then post your drawing in this thread.

PS: You need to have either Safari or Chrome as your browser before accessing the site.
that or you can use the non retarded version for free without being bothered to use that shitful site.
Whatever you do, when you save the picture, DON'T COPY THE LINK TO YOUR POST, it had so much text my Firefox froze and crashed :I.
Pretty fun program though.
(11-23-2010, 04:30 AM)Alisbet Wrote: [ -> ]PS: You need to have either Safari or Chrome as your browser before accessing the site.

but I'm using Firefox and it seems to work just fine???
It should work in any browser that supports HTML5.
[Image: originalcharactorplzdunsteel.jpg] tsr's greatest artist 2010 this is flawless
(pretty much just a redraw of my steam av, welp)

Most of the brushes on this are horrible, but being able to use layers and zoom makes it much better than the original
but it started lagging for some reason :C

It's pretty okay to doodle in I guess!